Swara looked at him stunned . For a few minutes she tried to process the torrent of words coming her way and the next minute, with tears brimming in her eyes, she dashed into his arms, “ Oh Sanskaar! I am sorry. I was about to message you. “ She didn't intend to hurt him in any way. And did not expect him to show up so soon. But she should have known. Mrs. Braganza’s loyalties lay with Sanskaar first. 

Sanskaar thought he would continue to stay angry at her disappearing act, but he gave up. He almost came close to losing his mind at the thought of Swara leaving him, but he didn't need anything more than to hold her. They would talk but for now, he squeezed her in tight enough to show how much he missed her.

“Never ever think of leaving me again,”  He murmured amidst tears, burying his face into her neck. 

It was after they parted,  a hand pressed to her cheek, “ Stop giving me such scares, and will you please tell me what happened?” he pleaded. He had to know what prompted her to take this step. 

Swara wiped his tears first, then she took his hand into hers  “Come with me”. And he followed with no questions. She stepped towards the balcony, one of her favorite spots, the same spot where she had so many conversations with her Sister, some conversations which held her back from pursuing love. Sanskaar needs to know where her insecurities stemmed from.And she told him….

Sanskaar listened in silence and now understood her insistence then. Her fear, the root of it. 

“Today when Kavita came in…” Swara paused and recalled her conversation with Kavita


“Do you love Sanskaar?” 

Swara wasn't expecting this from Kavita. She tried to make sense first but when Kavita repeated the question “How does this concern you Kavita?” She questioned right back.

“Of course it does, Swara. You think I am an idiot and can't see what's going around. After yesterday I am absolutely sure Sanskaar is off limits because that man can't see anything beyond you. I wanted clarity from your side.”

“Do I owe you that?’ Swara asked, feeling a little rise in her temper. It's none of her business. The equation between her and Sanskaar is there to deal with. Others don't have a say in it.

Kavita considered Swara for a minute in silence, “Ok ! Fine, Swara! Answer me honestly. Was it because of you, that Sanskaar talked to me at the party? And please be honest.”

Swara had her tongue-tied.

“Oh! So it is you! “ Kavita took in shock at Swara's face and didn't need an answer. “ I should have known this. Because I have seen Sanskaar for 2 years in different parties or board meetings, but we had been practically strangers, and Never once have I seen Sanskaar put in an effort to woo any woman. And that night all of sudden, he turned into a charmer. “

“Kavita, you are not getting the context here,” Swara tried.

“I don't want to know Swara,”. Kavita shot back. “If you think this discussion is about you and Sanskaar, I am sorry you are wrong. This is about me. She took a deep breath, “ Ok! And again it's because of you he agreed to my visit to this place. Yes or no please.”

Swara nodded hesitantly clueless about the direction this discussion was heading.

“Do you know Sanskaar is in love with you? Did he ever admit he is in love with you?” Kavita shot the next question. 

“Yes!” Swara admitted. Why did she suddenly start feeling stupid?

“Really?” Kavita simply threw her hands in the air. “Then what’s the problem, Swara? Listen! If you are in love with Sanskar, there is no point in involving a third person in your equation which I am at this point. And I don't believe it if you claim you don't love him. Like, do you both have any idea you look and act like a married couple?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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