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‹ the future is written by the winners; history is written by the s u r v i v o r s

NAME:Pietro Maximoff ; alias: QUICKSILVER

POWER:Enhanced Speed

DESCRIPTION:Subject can move much faster than the average member of their species, some at or above supersonic speeds or even faster; possibly reaching and even exceeding the speed of light.

ADD. INFO:Twin brother of Wanda Maximoff (chaos magic user)


Pietro Maximoff looked up from the profile in his hands, only to glance over at his twin. For someone going to her first official mission, Wanda Maximoff seemed remotely calm. She sat with her hands on her lap and her black dress fanned out on the chair she was seated on, her expression a picture of peace. Her red eyes weren't as wild as they usually were. Her voice- having spoken Pietro's name- was soft and almost emotionless.

"Wanda." Pietro replied flatly.

"You're nervous," Wanda said observantly. "What makes you say that?" Pietro challenged, to which Wanda's lips formed a smirk. She jerked her head towards Pietro's general direction, diverting Pietro's attention to his foot rapidly tapping on the wooden floor. He growled, stopping the pesky habit with a stomp.

"I can also read your mind." Wanda called out. "Nothing will happen to me, you know." Pietro twitched at being found out. "Better safe than sorry." he mumbled. "We don't know who we're going up against, Wanda."

"But it's the only thing keeping us here. We're of use to them, and we have to keep it that way. Or else we're out." Wanda reasoned, to which the male Maximoff let out a frustrated sigh. Wanda was right. They were the only two who survived Hydra's experimentations, making them vital to Baron Strucker's study. And now, they were recruits of Ultron under the belief that the A.I would make the world a better place.

It was also their only shot at being kept together, alive and well.

"Maximoffs." A drone had appeared by the door, catching the attention of Wanda and Pietro. "Ultron will see you now." The twins shared a look, before simultaneously standing and following the drone to their next destination.

[ . . . ]

The base of Ulysses Klaue wasn't what one might call eye-catching. The ship off Johannesburg was inconspicuous; Pietro figured that no one would look at it and think, 'Hey, they must have a secret storage of vibranium down there!' He was beginning to think the mission was too easy as Ultron took down Ulysses for comparing him to Stark... only to hear the sounds of a group approaching.

"The Avengers." Ultron growled, making Pietro side glance at Wanda. His twin looked straight on, her expression unchanging. Not missing a beat, the duo followed Ultron as he greeted the group of heroes. Pietro knew all of them. Thor, with his hammer; Hawkeye, with his bow and arrow. Captain America in his all-U.S.A get up with his shield; Natasha Romanoff, once an assassin who suddenly turned out good; and, of course, Tony Stark in his stupid Iron Man suit. Tony Stark, who Pietro hated with a burning passion.

Pietro was glaring so intently at Tony (who was speaking to Ultron) that he didn't notice the girl shuffling behind the group until Wanda clutched his arm. "What?" Pietro asked, a sudden rush of panic filling him at the look of horror on his sister's face. "Pietro," Wanda said urgently, her eyes wide as she stared straight on. Pietro's head snapped back towards the Avengers group, and that's when he saw her. His world stopped: she hadn't noticed the twins yet, since she was flanking Romanoff and Hawkeye.

With her black, long sleeved shirt, torn jeans and knee-length boots, she didn't look like much. But there were some distinct features- the silver necklace, the tool belt around her waist, the gloved hands holding a butterfly knife- that proved she was dressed to kill. Her expression was fierce and she seemed ready to engage in battle. But it was still the same auburn hair (though pulled back in to a ponytail), still the same grey eyes (though looking tired after what seemed like tough times), still the same lips that had planted a kiss on Pietro's forehead many years ago.

It was still his Florea Damion.

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