But Jonathan isn't paying that much attention to what she's saying at this point. His mind has gone to the conversation he had with y/n, when she asked if he'd seen anything weird in the woods; and also to the fight he had with his mother in the streets. How he didn't believe her about the man in the wall who didn't have a face. Now he's got 3 people claiming they've seen something.

"What'd he look like?" Jonathan asks before Nancy walks off.

She stops, taken off guard by the question, thinking Jonathan wouldn't care about it. "What?"

"This man you saw in the woods. What'd he look like?"

She stammers. "I don't know. It was almost like he... he didn't have—"

"Didn't have a face?" Jonathan finishes.

Nancy stares at him with suspicion. "How did you know that?"

"We need to talk to y/n."

y/n pov

"What the..." mom mutters, pulling into the dirt driveway of the Byers' household.

I sit up in my seat to get a better look at the gaping hole in the side of their house, Mrs. Byers on the other side of it holding an axe and looking like a mess.

I hurry out the door and rush over to her. She stares out the hole. Her eyes red from sobbing, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each heavy breath.

"Joyce," mom says, "are you all right?"

She sinks to the floor and puts her head in her hands, sobbing. "You need to go."

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Mom presses.

"No! Just please get out of here. I have to find Will." She lifts her head, her cheeks tear stained.

"Mom, we should go." I gently tug her back.


I nod my head towards the car. "Let's go." I walk back with her, but once she's sitting in the car ready to leave, I jump out. "Stay here, do not leave. I need to do something."


"Just stay here!" I run back to Joyce's house and go inside. "Mrs. Byers, what happened? Did something attack?"

"What?" She asks, standing up from the floor. "What do you mean?"

"Did something attack here? Is that what happened to the wall?" I ask slowly. "Was it big...? And didn't exactly..."

"Have a face," she finishes. "You've seen it?"

"Yeah. It was here?" I ask.

"The lights went crazy and it came out of the walls," she says, her voice wet and shaky. "And- and then I heard Will's voice. He was in the walls."

She looks crazy with her wild hair and shifty eyes. She sounds crazy—the words that are coming out of her mouth. But I believe her completely. She saw the same thing I saw, so why couldn't Will have been in the walls? Things are obviously far from normal right now.

"It just- it just tore right through." She hurries into the living room and gestures to the wall. "Just came right out."

"Like from a portal?" I ask.

"No, not like you'd see in a movie. It just... appeared. Will- Will told me to run." She looks over at the alphabet painted on the other wall with lights over each letter. "He told me to run and then this thing came through."

"Was anyone else here?" I ask.

"No. I told Jonathan, but he thinks I'm crazy." She walks closer to me, looking me in the eye and says with conviction, "I know what I saw."

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