Y/n's Powers

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s/f/c= second favorite color if you don't have another, just choose a random color. (Or if you don't have a favorite)

~~Extra 1~~


Once the bell rang, Y/n woke up, darting up. "EEP!" She exclaims.

Hanako laughs. "Morning beautiful~."

Y/n looks at him. "Morning." She then notices how light it is outside. "SHOOT! HANAKO WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?! IMMA BE LATE!!" She quickly scrambles up, finding her bag and grabbing it, before being hugged.

"You're not going to go today."

"Yeah? And who said I wouldn't?"

"Me." Hanako turns her around with a smile. "Instead of your usual teacher, I'll be your teacher for today!"

Y/n blankly looks at him. "What."

"You wanna learn how to use your powers and turn into your ghost form, don't you?"

Y/n's face brightens up. "WHOA! That's what we're doing?!"

Hanako nods. "Yup! Lets go to the roof to start!" He grabs Y/n's hand, bringing her to the roof.

"Oh, alright." Y/n smiled.


Her 2nd form

"So first, you're gonna want to get in your ghost form." He walks to Y/n. "Let me just..." He floats up, their faces being inches from each other while he reaches up. Y/n blushes and Hanako smiles at her. "Yoink." He unties the bow from her hair.

After that, Y/n felt really cold. "Brrrr... Is it just me, or did the temp just drop?" Hanako chuckles. "No, that's how it is. Feel really weird, huh? It hides your actual temp from you."

Y/n nods, then starts to float up slowly. She watched as Hanako got farther away. He grabbed her hand, bringing her down and held her arms. "Whoa..." She mutters.

Trial of Flight

"Next, we're gonna figure out how to float, okay? It's easy, really." He smiled at her, easing her nerves a small bit. "First, think about how you want to float. Once your in the air, keep thinking if you want to continue up, or down. Or, the air around you will feel like it's solid, because you are basically air in the form." He explains.

She nods, and thinks about getting in the air. She feels her feet lift off the ground. She stops thinking about it, looking at the few inches she's risen. Hanako smiles at her. "There you go! Now try to float to me." He floats further back, opening his arms like she was trying to learn how to walk. I guess it's similar, but for ghosts.

She nods. "Okay.." She then feels around the air, feeling nothing she decides to imagine water waves made out of air push her. She slowly makes her way to him. When she reaches him, he hugs her. "Yeah!! Good job! Think you can do it again, but a little faster?" He asks.

She nods, feeling a sudden wave of determination from his praise. He floats back, further than last time, opening his arms again. She takes in inhale, feeling quicker waves push her forward. She ends up knocking her boyfriend over, him making an "Oof!" sound, falling on the ground, bringing Y/n with him. "Ohmygod! Are you okay? I'm sorry!" He laughs. "Good job! That was good. But try to slow down next time?" He giggles.

"Mhm." They practiced over and over again until she got the hang of it. She got the landings perfectly on her first try.

Ghostly Weapon

"Alrighty. Next up, you have a weapon." He says, hands behind his back. "What?!" Her eyes widen.

Hanako chuckles, summoning his knife and spinning it in his hand repeatedly. "Don't worry, you didn't kill anyone. It was assigned to you for a purpose. You never told me what it was for, so I don't know. I'm sure you'll remember, though." He stops spinning his weapon.

"All you have to do, is think of your weapon. You can pull it out anywhere, basically as long as you summon it." He explained. "Lot's of imagining, I know." She shrugs. "Yeah. Okay.. A weapon..."

She closes her eyes, imagining a knife similar to Hanako's. When she felt a heavy weight in her hand, she realized she had a katana. "What the--" She felt a weight on her waist, making her turn. "Huh?"

Hanako smiles. "Your weapon is a katana. When your sword shows up, it comes with its sheath. To get rid of it, you sheath it." Hanako explains. "Ooooh..." She lets out.

Hanako smiles. "On to the next topic~!" He sings.

Her Tsueshiro

"Next, you have a Tsueshiro, like me." He smiles at his orb. "Say Mio-joudai."

"Mio... Joudai?"

As she says that, two orbs appeared. One (f/c) the other (s/f/c). "Whoa. But... What do they do?"

Hanako hums, putting his hands behind his back. "They can do many things, but most importantly you can transform like how I do." His joudai spin around him, transforming him in his cape. "See? You try."

"How do I..?" Her joudai places itself on her waist, transforming her into an outfit.

?" Her joudai places itself on her waist, transforming her into an outfit

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* The joudai is around where a belt would be. You can also change colors of outfit.

She gasps. "Oooooh. Nice." She smiles. "Good. That's all I can think of when it comes to power-wise."

She nods. "Okay."

"Want to practice quickly moving around by battling?" Hanako asks, smirking as he holds up his knife. Y/n nods, a grin making its way on her face as she summons her katana. "Your on!"

And thats how she learned to use her powers :)


868 words

10:06 AM 7/20/22

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