Confessions Under The Stars

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Loki sat up suddenly, out of breath and panicked. he had yet another nightmare, these things seemed to be plaguing him recently, no matter how trivial they were. looking at the time, Loki weighed his choices, he could sit here for the next few hours, struggling to sleep, tossing and turning. or he could go to you. he discovered that you had become his safe place. he didn't think he was quite ready for you to know just yet but he also knew that if he decided to wake you for comfort that you would without a doubt be there for him, he wasn't sure how you would comfort him but he knew you would always find a way to make him feel at least better enough to calm his heart.

he'd slowly gotten closer to you, and you to him. he'd planned your budding friendship out almost to a T but hadn't ever thought he would deem you his incarnation of home. 3am wasn't the time for such thoughts though, 3am was a time for waking you up and demanding your attention (or so he convinced himself). leaving his room and tip toeing over to yours, which was on the same floor. he lightly knocked on your door, if anything it was to just give you a heads up that he was there, no lock would ever keep him out and hed picked up on visions door forsaking habits.

in response to his knock you groaned loudly, you were never a morning person and waking you up would be a death wish for any mortal, luckily Loki is a god. he walked through your front door and down the hall to your bedroom, the door was cracked but he still felt the need to ask before entering a space he felt was private.

"may I come in?" his voice sounded softer than you had expected, hed never woken you up before and you were so used to him being over confident and almost cocky. the change of tone was cause for concern but you brushed it off.

"you know I'll never say no to a god in my bed, Loki" even freshly woken up you were still incredibly flirty with him.

opening your door he made his way over to your bed. you slept on the side farthest from the door leaving him plenty of space. he sat down on the edge of the bed, as far from you as possible, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable even though you had welcomed him in your own half hearted flirty way.

"I-I was... unsure if I should wake you but I do recall you offering your assistance with my resting troubles should I ever needed I" he stuttered, so unsure of himself, he was clearly out of his comfort zone but you were glad you got to be the one he came to.

"as always your recollection is impeccable" youd always enjoyed the way he spoke and often tried to either match him or make fun of him in some way shape or form, you figured now would be no different even though this was new ground for the two of you.

you sat up quickly, grabbing him and laying back down, he was half laying on top of you, the both of you staring at the tiny plastic stars on your ceiling. Loki turned over to lay his head on your chest and after a few moments of comfortable silence and waiting for him to relax you finally spoke once more.

"do you wanna talk about it or do you just wanna stay here" your question didn't shock him but you knowing that he might just need to be held did, he knew that you knew him well but he thought he had hid all of his reactions to your touch, he thought he had caught all the times he tried to lean into you or follow your hand when you went to pull away from playing with his hair, he really hoped he wasn't bring as obvious as he now thought himself to be.

"C-can you just hold me? the same way you did the other night on the couch?" his voice shook, he couldn't tell if it was nerves or the stress from the nightmare. maybe it was both but he knew that you holding him would at least make him feel normal again, although his normal is still not as calm as you'd like it to be.

"always" you ran your finger tips along his spine, he nuzzled into you more and you could've sworn you felt him grab onto you tighter. he never thought hed ever have someone who would be able to comfort him again, but you always seemed to know exactly what he needed.

Lokis eyes fluttered closed after several minutes of him fighting it, he was barely awake when he left his room. plus your bed (with you in it) felt like heaven on earth, almost as if both you and the bed were built for him to sleep on. pressing your lips to the top of his head, you closed your eyes. you felt him take a deep breath, the two of you barely conscious.

"I love you" his words were spoken so softly you wouldn't have heard them if the wind picked up. you smiled holding him closer even if it hadn't seemed possible. "I love you too Loki, I always have"

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