🌗S1- Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

"That's why science doesn't make any damn sense to me" Tommy says

No, I swear. Look at this It's totally frostbite" Carol says as she has her foot on the table and Nancy sits on the other side of Steve

"Oh thanks, man it's a heated pool" Tommy says with food in his mouth

"Well if it's not frostbite then what is it"

"No one cares what it is, it's disgusting, get your foot off the table, We're eating here" y/n says

"Hey Tommy" Nancy says "When you left, did you see Barb"

"What" Tommy asks

"Barbra, She's not here today"
y/n says

"I seriously have no idea who you're talking about" Tommy says laughing at the end

"Come on, don't be an ass, man Did you..Did you see her leave last night or not" Steve says

"No, she was gone when we left"

"Probably couldn't stand listening to all that moaning" Carol says and then starts moaning loudly saying "oh Steve" repeatedly. And then Tommy joins in and starts banging the table

"Ew" y/n says wanting to fall off the face of the earth

"Listen...I'm sure she's fine, She's probably just...she's probably just, like skipping or something" Steve reassures Nancy

"Yeah, yeah probably" Nancy replies

Y/n and Nancy walk over to Steve, Tommy, Carol, Nicole, and Jonathan? "What's going on" Y/n says

"There's the starring lady's" Tommy says

"What" Nancy and y/n say in sync

"This creep was spying on us last night" Carol says "He was probably gonna save these ones for later" Carol says handing them photos of themselves Y/n's photo was of her stretching her arms up while sitting in her lounge chair with her shirt coming up a little. You know looking hot and shit. Y/n and Nancy look up from their photos at Jonathan in disappointment and disapproval looks.

"See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but...Man that's the thing about perverts...it's hardwired into them, You know, they just can't help themselves. Steve says and then rips the photos while Tommy wheezes "so..we'll just have to take away his toy" Steve says while throwing the ripped photos and walking over to Jonathan's bag

"No please not the camera" Jonathan says

"No, no, wait, wait, Tommy, Tommy...It's okay, Here you go, man" Steve says but right before Jonathan could take it Steve dropped it and it broke in pieces. While Tommy laughed "Come on, let's go. The game's about to start" Steve says as he walks away but before he could get to far y/n grabbed his arm.

"I can't go to the game today sorry, I have to go with my babysit my brother" y/n told Steve

"That's fine, see you later" Steve replied

"Yeah see ya" y/n said then walked over to her bike. When she got on her bike she biked to the back of mikes house to see everyone already there and ready to go

"Took you long enough" Dustin said

"Yeah, yeah let's go" y/n said

As the walked though the woods with their bikes El spoke

"Why did they hurt you"

"What" Mike said and she pointed to his chin

"Wait, was it those god damn bully's again" y/n said looking at Dustin which to he nods "oh I swear I will murder those stupid mouth breathers"

"Oh, that uh...I just fell at recess" Mike said

"Mike..." El said


"Friends tell the truth"

"I was tripped by this mouth breather, Troy, okay"

"Mouth breather?"

"Yeah, you know...a dumb person, a knucklehead"


"I don't know why I just didn't tell you. Everyone at school knows even y/n knows....I just didn't want you to think I was such a wastoid, you know"



"I understand"


"Mike trust me we know what it's like to be hurt, in lots of pain, and feel useless by other people's words"

"Okay cool" Mike says

"Cool" El adds as they smile at each other

It was now dark and they were still walking until we got to will's house....

"Here..." El says as she looks at Mike

"Yeah, this is where Will lives"Mike adds


"No, No, this is where he lives, He's missing from here understand" Mike says

"What are we doing here" Lucas says

"She says he's hiding here" Mike says

"Um...no" Lucas says

"I swear, if we walked all the way out here for nothing-" Dustin says

"That's exactly what we did" Lucas says annoyed "I told she didn't know what the hell she was talking about" Lucas yells

"Lucas calm down and how about we let her explain first!"
Y/n says

"Why did you bring us here" Mike said. And then El stutters and doesn't know what to say

"Mike, don't waste your time with her" Lucas says

"What do you wanna do then?" Mike says

"Call the cops, like we should have done yesterday" Lucas suggests

"We are not calling the cops" y/n yells

"Hey, guys" Dustin says

"What other choice do we have?" Lucas says

"Guys" Dustin says a bit louder. And they all look in front of Dustin to see police cars and ambulances drive by

"Will...." Mike says they all turn around to their bikes and they bike as fast as they can to see what was going on. Once they get there they park there bikes behind an firetruck and look around the corner to see what it was.

It was a body...not just any body but Wills body...they were setting in on a stretcher and carried it to the ambulance

"It's not Will...it can't be" Mike said

"It's Will it's really Will" Lucas says They look away

"Mike..." El says and puts and hand on his shoulder to which he slaps away making her scared Dustin and Lucas were crying in y/n arms to (which she was crying too) watching them

"Mike, Mike what, you were supposed to help us find him alive, you said he was alive, why did you lie to us, what's wrong with you, what is wrong with you" Mike says making El cry and questioning herself.



"Mike, come on, Don't do this, man" Lucas says leaving y/n arms "Mike"

"Mike..." Dustin says "where are you going mike" the boys call for Mike as he bikes away

They then get on their bikes, El on the back of y/n's, y/n drops off El at Mikes house and bikes to her house. Once she gets there she immediately goes to her room to find Her brother on her bed crying. She breaks out in the tears wanting this to just be a dream. Her brother gets up and hugs her tight. To which she hugs back "you can stay in my room tonight if you would like" he just nods while still hugging her

1768 words

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