Not so Smooth Sailing

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Annabeth entered the Rec room and saw all of the Cabin Leaders sitting around the ping pong table as well as her comrades standing near the head of the table opposite of Chiron. She recognized the Stoll twins from the Hermes Cabin, Katie Gardner from the Demeter Cabin, Clarisse from the Ares Cabin, Malcom from Athena, Drew from Aphrodite, Jason for Zeus, Pollox for Dionysus, Leo for Hephaestus, Will Solace for Apollo and Nico for Hades. There were others there but none that she recognized anymore.

"Firstly, I would like to welcome back Annabeth Chase to Camp who after 5 years has returned." Chiron said while clapping. "I would also like to welcome the warriors of Chaos who have come to aid us in our fight against the oncoming evil that threatens Olympus yet again."

They younger Cabin Leaders clapped along with some of the older ones Annabeth knew, the others were silent not even looking towards her.

"Thanks everyone so as you've already heard but it appears that the Olympians and Olympus itself is under attack again and we need to mount a defense to ensure nothing goes bad. We're here to try and help, I just need a run down on what we have for able bodied fighters and how well trained everyone is." Annabeth said while pulling out a pen and paper.

The leaders looked around the room at each other before finally looking at Nico. Nico was on his phone not paying attention until Will poked him in the side.

"The hell Will?" Nico asked looking up annoyed.

"We need to know how many able-bodied fighters we have in Camp." Will responded.

Nico looked up and sighed, "What do you count as able bodied? With just us alone I would say a little over 120. If we add the Hunters that's 30 and Camp Jupiter gives us around 500." Nico said not looking at Annabeth.

"Boy you will look at Miss Chase when you are speaking to her and show her the respect she deserves." One of Chaos's soldiers spoke out.

Annabeth looked up sharply as if to tell the soldier to shut up, but it was already too late.

"Respect, you're going to tell me I have to respect her. After what she did? Buddy trust me, I couldn't respect her no matter how hard I tried." Nico said dismissively.

"Watch your tongue half god, or I will remove it for you." Another warrior spoke up.

"Oh, look at this, Connor what a bunch of tools don't you think?" Travis said standing up.

"I would have to agree, tell me what she has done to earn our respect?" Connor said while joining his brother.

"Sit down boy, or you will join him." The warrior threatened.

"Atreus stop and shut up." Annabeth commanded.

Atreus looked at Annabeth in shock, "My lady I will not have them insult you and disparage you like that these half breeds have kn-"

"Say that again you brown noser? What did you just call us?" Clarisse said while standing up looking angry.

It was clear that the half breed comment had upset the demi-gods as they were all now on their feet, weapons in hand.

"Guys I'm sure they meant no harm in what they said, don't misunderstand them." Jason pleaded trying to make sure nothing went too far.

"Atreus apologize this instant, you have gone to far with your comments , lest I remind you I am also a demi-god." Annabeth reprimanded her comrade.

Before Atreus could speak another voice came up from the Demi-God side.

"Man, you really are a stuck-up bitch aren't you?"

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