•20¦The river•

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"Wow, Felixie hyung is this your weapon?" Beomgyu asked as he walked towards the said boy .

The older nodded and aim his bow at a apple tree, the moment he pulled the bowstring an arrow appeared as his eyes flashed a crystal pink color and he launched it towards the tree.

The boys eyes widen when they saw the glowing pink with blue crystal like wings behind Felix's back appear, he flew towards the tree to get the apple, which just because his victim.

"Hyung, is he really a fairy?" Beomgyu asked a buff guys "Yep, yep, my little bro is a fairy." he said wiping his fake tears.

"Ah- ok" Felix came back with a apple in his hands, he gave it to Changbin who blushed a little.

"Lix, can you guys stop flirting for a second?" a long hair guys said and rolled his eyes "It's not like you don't do anything like this with Seungmin."

"No fighting and Yeon where is joonie hyung?"

"I don't know- Kai did you saw him?" Kai nodded a 'no'

"Oh, what should we do now?"

"Are you Dora the explorer now, Jun?"

"He is Yeon the explorer!" Beomgyu said and the others fell down laughing at that not so funny joke.

"Hey kids I'm ba-"

"Oh hello Namjoon hyung!" the buff guys said bowing down followed by others "Oh hi Bangchan and hello everyone!" Namjoon gave everyone a smile and passed the water bottles to the five.

"Are you guys here to practice or just hanging out?"

"We came here to practice hyung!" Minho said showing off his silver sword "oh, nice-"

"NAMJOONIE HYUNG!!!" it was Beomgyu, the hyper active nature boy.

"Yes beomgyu?" Namjoon said trying to be patient "Why don't we have anything like them, I want weapons too!" he pouted, the eldest took a deep breath and said "We can go to the shop after the this."

"Really!?" the five said at the same time "Yeah."

"Oh my!" soobin pulled Yeonjun into a little kiss and dragged him to the river.

"They are so loud, right hyung?" Bangchan asked "Yes Chan, they really are, it is so hard to take care of them." the elder said holding onto his head and sit on the grass

"The eight I live with is also like this." Chan joined him "So how is Jin hyung and the others doing?"

"They are good, Jin must be trying not to beat the shit out of the three, They are really chaotic you know? Especially Taehyung, that boy put the house upside down!"

"That is Changbin in our house."

Minho sit on the other side of Namjoon "Yeah and being a leader is really hard you know?, have to take care of all the members, have to buy them everything, blah, blah, blah~" namjoon chuckled.

"You are right." Bangchan said looking at the pink sky.

"So, are you guys gonna stay here tonight or gonna go back?"

"Umm- we are going back, I still have a track to finish"

"Hey Bangchan, take some break-"

"I tell him that everyday, only if he would listen." minho interpreted.

"Yah, I know you have things for like a ten thousand comebacks in your laptop, so take some break OK?" Namjoon patted his back "I will hyung, I will!"


"Hyung, we should get going too, see you later!" Bangchan whistled and the other seven gather around him.

"Should we leave?"

"Yep!" the long hair guys said running towards the forest "Yah, Hyunjin-ah I'm coming too!!" Felix ran behind him "See you later hyung!" Minho bowed before walking away with the others.

"Kids, should we go to the shop or go home and-"

"Let's go get our weapons we already bathed in the river!"

"OK beom,.be patient a little bit and follow me!" Namjoon turn around walking out of the field.


The cold breeze of the night, brushed yeonjun's pink hair off his face as they walked down the alleyway, with street lights, shops and beautiful cherry blossoms on both the sides, the stars blinking and the moon shining.

"This place is so beautiful, I actually didn't expect all of this."

"I agree." Kai said holding onto Beomgyu's hands tight "We will be there in a bit!" Namjoon announced..

After some more steps they reached a old looking shop "Come inside!" Namjoon opened the shop and stepped in two see two people sucking each other's soul out.

"Umm." he cleared his throat.

They both separated from each and ran inside the shop "oh my I'm so sorry about them- oh Namjoon how you doing?" a black hair guy came inside with a broom in his hands.

"Hey Jaebeom hyung, I'm good, how about you?"

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