Manhandaling a femboy? (Karlity)💠🔱

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Karl x Quackity
Song: idk
This whole oneshot is just based of off this picture I found⬆️

Karl and Quackity were at Karl's house.
They were roommates,wich was a fancy word homosexuals in a relationship.
They were in the kitchen getting ready to go to Karl's family's house.
Quackity:"I'm so excited for this!"
Karl:"I'm scared...yk we could just not go right?"
Quackity:"no no no no no,hear me out! I have a plan"

Karl looked at him intrigued as he started fixing the buttons on Quackitys crooked button up shirt.
Karl:"I'm listening"
He said smiling,knowing whatever he was about to say next was probably complete bullshit,but that's what he loved about him,he was fun.
Quackity:"so you know how your dad like hates gays n whatever?"
Karl looked at him confused.
Karl:"well yea..obviously?"
Quackity:"okay stupid question,Why don't we go cliché?"
Karl backed away,still confused.

Quackity:"we'll act like clichés to piss him off,I'm strong and a top and stuff and we'll your....yk"
This was actually a pretty good idea.
They wouldn't be acting thatt different,just like 50%.
Karl:"that's...surprisingly a good plan?"
Quackity smiled proudly.
Karl:"I'll go change into something pink"
Karl said before going back to his room.

He put on a pink hoodie,he death glared at the thigh high socks on the floor.
Their so wrong...but so...??
George mailed them over to his house as a prank a few weeks ago,Karl was convinced George accidentally changed the shipping address to Karl's house,so they were actually his,but he didn't admit it.
Quackity couldn't know he had them,he'd definitely make fun of him for it,or find it weirdly attractive,but most likely both.
Point was,it's embarrassing.
Quackity:"hey karl?-"
Karl turned around after quickly kicking them back into the closet.

Karl:"um- yea?"
Quackity:"you done?"
Karl:"yeah..give me a sec.."
Quackity nodded and left again.
Fuck it,he reached for the socks.
He stuffed them back into a corner and put on white shorts.
He went to back Quackity outside who was on his phone.
Karl:"alright I'm done"
Quackity looked at him.
Karl:"that's kind of the point"

Quackity hit his head.
Quackity:"just take the compliment?? Loser"
Karl:"thank you,you look like my greasy gamer boyfriend"
Quackity:"I am,and hopefully always will be~"
Quackity teased and kissed his cheek.
Karl giggled.
Quackity:"also because I love you,I'm just gonna ignore you called me greasy"
Quackity put his hand on his back and took him outside to his car.
They both got in and started driving to Karl's parents house.

Quackity:"this is gonna be so fun! Your gonna be like 'I'm a femboy who likes getting peg-!"
Karl:"DONT,if you say that I swear I'm gonna lose it"
Quackity:"Whateverrrr,I'm gonna be all like 'I'm so strong‼️😈💪!"
Karl:"you sound soooo cool Quackity,why didn't I get together with someone like that instead of a guy who likes the pink monster more than the white one"
Quackity smiled and patted his thigh.
Quackity:"I'm gonna ignore the fact that your still not over that,and just say,sure"
Kalr:"yk sometimes I forget how touchy you are"
Karl scoffed.

Karl looked at him confused,he actually seemed kinda concerned.
Karl:"i mean,yea? why?"
Quackity:"nothing,I just wanna show you I love you like all the time..don't want you to forget that.."
He tried to laugh it off.
Karl smiled softly.
Karl:"don't worry,I'll never forget"
Quackity nodded.
They eventually got there and walked up to the doorstep.
Karl waited a few moments before nervously ringing the doorbell.

Karl:"hey um,I know this probably isn't the right moment but um,earlier-?"
The door opened,it was Karl's mom.
She hugged the two of them.
Mom:"I'm glad you guys are here! We're almost done!"
Karl:"what?! You couldn't wait for us?"
Mom:"no you guys were 5 minutes late? Don't worry I saved both of you plates"
Quackity:"thank you misses Jacobs"
Quackity smiled.
Mom:"don't worry about it hun,and for the last time you can call me carol! Or mom if he ring is coming u-"
Mom:"alright alright come in"

Quackity laughed and followed them inside.
Time to manhandle this twink- I mean bitch.
Quackity put his hand around his lower waist,he was slightly taller then Karl since he was wearing platform sneakers,not that anyone would notice.
Mom:"by the way karl,pink looks great on you today"
She said as she got their plates ready.
Karl:"thanks mom"
Karl dad was sitting at the dinner table reading the newspaper.
Mom:"yk Quackity,I kept on telling him 'pink suits you,pink suits you' but he never listend!"
Quackity:"well he is VERY complicated"
He said as he tickled karl,karl giggled and Quackity took his hands back.

They definitely had his dads attention now.
Karl:"don't ever fucking do that again"
Quackity kissed his head.
Quackity:"sorry man,kinda had to"
Mom:"here you go!"
She gave the two their plates with a smile.
Mom:"why don't you show your boyfriend your room and eat sweetie?"
Karl nodded and walked to the stairs.
They walked passed his dad.
Quackity:"hey,don't you want me to carry you?"
Karl looked at him confused.
Karl:"wh-? Ohhh,yes please Q!"

Quackity picked him up and carried him upstairs,his dad crunched up his newspaper and left to go to the kitchen.
As soon as they were upstairs Karl pulled him into his room and they laughed.
Karl:"I can't believe that worked?!"
Quackity:"my plans always work"
Karl playfully punched his shoulder and went to his closet.
Quackity looked around his room,pretty normal,he had a switch.
Quackity:"whoa you have a switch?"
Karl:"huh? Oh yea"
Quackity sat down at his desk and turned it on.
Karl laughed and went over to him.

Quackity:"you have sonic?!"
Karl:"I do,yea"
Quackity smiled at him and put him on his lap.
Karl wrapped his arms around his neck.
Quackity:"you look nice"
He laid his head on his shoulder.
Quackity put his hand on his inner thigh.
Karl smirked at him.
Karl:"your enjoying this a lot aren't you?"
Quackity nodded and kissed him.
Quackity:"why don't we- spite your dad some more?"
He tried to say in between making out with him.

Karl:"your not suggesting we have loud sex when my parents are downstairs right?"
Quackity:"not necessarily"
Karl smiled and put his other leg on the other side,fully sitting in Quackitys lap facing him.
Quackity:"where are your shorts?"
Karl:"took them off,their kinda big"
Quackity chuckled.

Quackity:"cmon,your teasing meee"
He whined,Karl giggled.
Karl:"I'm not,promise"
Quackity looked back at him and put his hands under his shirt,hiking it up almost all the way.
Karl came a bit closer.
Quackity started kissing his chest.Karl whimpered.
The opposite actually.
Karl blushed and looked down at him.
He started gliding his hands all over him,
knowing where the sensitive spots were.
Quackity:"shh,wouldn't want your dad to hear would you?"

Once again I'm tempted to turn this into smut

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