"Watch your language." Randy said, walking past. "Oh, fuck. Sorry." I said, but then realized I said a curse word in my apology about cursing. Oops. Randy chuckled and I giggled.

I stared at Seth, "What exactly do you want?" "You." He mumbled, but then said, "Nothing." Me? Why would he want me? We hate each other. Maybe I heard him wrong.

I shook my head and threw away the paper plate that had my pizza on it. I opened my chips and then stared at him, "Could you like, maybe, go the fuck away?" "You know, you do curse a lot." "Yeah? Well, who cares?" "I do." "Well that sucks." I said and stood up, taking my chips and soda with me.

"You're such a bitch." Seth mumbled and I stopped in my tracks. "What did you just call me?" "I said, you're such a bitch!" He yelled, making people look over at us.

I opened my soda, that I didn't even take a sip out of yet, and dumped it on his head. He gasped and stood up when it was all gone. Idiot.

I walked over to get another soda and skipped out, but before I did, I yelled, "bye, Seth!" I said and smiled widely.

I went to Stepahnies office and told her that I was bored. "You could be a special guest referee for someones match." She suggested and I beamed, "can I?" "Sure. Which match?" I smirked. "Seth versus Adrian Neville." I said and she shrugged, "Alright. Just don't cheat." "Tell Seth not to and I won't." I said and went to change since the match was in 10 minutes.

I put the referee outfit on. It was a top that came below my boobs and had black and white stripes. I put on the black short shorts and kept on my black doc martens.

"And the special guest referee, Olivia!" I walked out and smiled at the crowd who was chanting my name. I walked down to the ring and looked at Seth innocently.

I slid into the ring and he walked over to me, "is this some kind of sick joke!?" I bit my nail-which was painted in black nail polish- and looked up at him through my eyelashes, "nope." I mimicked Dean and motioned for the bell to start.

Halfway through the match, Jamie got involved. I drop kicked him out of the ring, just in time to see Joey hit Neville with a steel chair. Oh, come on! He's a rookie!

I told the bell keeper to ring the bell and he did. "What was that!?" Jamie said and I leaned down to look him in the eye. "When I'm the referee you don't get away with anything." I said slowly but threatening. I slid out of the ring and walked up the ramp.

Dean, Roman, Dolph and a bunch of other superstars/divas have a club to ourselves for tonight. I guess you could say I was going to go into 'Brie Mode', just not with her.

I was drunk. Horribly, horribly drunk. Dean and I were laughing and this clubs' names for their drinks.

"The- the penis scraper!" Dean yelled and I laughed loudly and couldn't stop. I stumbled, still laughing my ass off. "The- the pe-penis scraper!" I laughed until my stomach hurt and I couldn't breathe.

I walked into somebody and before I could fall, they caught me. I looked up, still laughing, to see Seth. That just made me laugh more. I patted his chest and walked away.

"Who's next on the stripper pole!?" Some guy questioned and I gasped, "Me!" I yelled and stumbled on the stage. "Get off of there right now!" Dean yelled, laughing. "Olivia! Get down now!" Seth yelled and I shook my head and hiccuped.

I put my arms on it and lifted my body so my legs were on the top of the pole. I did that thing that strippers do and twirled my body around before I got off. 'Okay, Olivia, get down. Your dad is going to kill you.' I thought to myself and hopped down while the small crowd cheered.

I walked back over with Dean while we looked at the menu again. "Does that say... The pussy chopper!?" I yelled and howled with laughter while Dean fell out of his seat since he was laughing to much.

"The cock whisperer!" Roman yelled and I laughed again. "Who the hell came up with these?" I said and laughed.

"I think I'm going to go." I said, still laughing and Dean and roman nodded. "We're coming too!" They yelled and we walked out.

We were skipping down the street singing uptown funk. I tripped over my two feet and fell. I burst out laughing, but pouted when I saw blood running down my leg. I took my stupid heels off and put them in my hand. I carried them the rest of the way while we were still singing.

"I fucking love myself! I love you, Emily! I love you, Roman! I love meeeee!" Dean yelled/sang and I laughed loudly.

I walked into my hotel room after making sure Roman and Dean got to theirs safely. I threw my heels in my suitcase and went into the bathroom.

I looked at my knee and got all of the dirt off of it, "Where the fuck is all of this blood coming from?" I mumbled to myself as I saw there was no scrape. I touched it gently and winced when my hand ran across something hard.

I pulled a piece of small glass out and blood ran down my leg. I shrugged and got a bandaid. I put it on and then cleaned the rest of the blood off of it.

I stumbled into bed and plugged my phone in before falling asleep, still in my dress.


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