"woah, woah, woahhh!! slow it down, kid!" someone's voice rings through your ears, stopping you from running away by grabbing your shoulders. this breaks the spell you were under. you quickly look up at this woman, quick to slap her hand away, and throw a punch. which the lady gladly catches, a proud grin tugging onto her lips as you felt someone grab your shoulder from behind. you duck below, and throw a swift kick to knock the lady off her feet, and you turn around ready to fight the other person from behind you, but it was only todo. you halt, tilting your head in confusion. "todo?" you let out a sigh of relief before turning around just in time to see the blonde lady dusting off her clothes. she wore baggy pants, and a tank top, her long blonde hair mid back and she was definitely taller than you.

"y/n!! meet my mentor that i spent telling itdaori about!! this is yuki."

"this..is yuki?"

the way you questioned it made a look of hurt flash on the woman's face that you can now put a name on. you were gonna say something once again - god, you were just getting cut off today. but before you could, you remembered inumaki in the direction you had just came from. luckily though, you didn't have much to worry about, seeing as though inumaki was on megumis back as they ran to the three of you, behind him was yuji.

you let out an exhale, tossing your dad over to yuki, who caught it with no difficulty. thus, you proceed to run closer to megumi, and yuji, and inumaki, engulfing the three of them in a tight hug by bringing them down to your level by force. "you three should never leave me alone!" you pull away, a pout evident on your face as yuji gives a small smile. "well, so far, the plan isn't going to plan." he briefly explains as megumi places inumaki onto his feet. you knit your eyebrows together in slight confusion before yuki chimes in, "your talking about the culling games, correct?" you look in between both yuji, and yuki, who both exchange serious looks with each other. now you really wanted to know what the hell was going on.

almost as if he was reading your mind, megumi decides to explain what it is. "the culling game is getos' plan to basically force master tengen to merge with a human host by trying to generate cursed energy." your eyes widened at the sound of that, rendering you speechless. "Itadori is up against Hanyu, and their partners. i need to get back to him-" you grab onto his arm, making sure he wasn't able to leave just yet. "you entered the game?" you ask with a shaky voice, you couldn't exactly read megumis face, but based off of the look he was giving you - it answered your question right away.

you reluctantly let go of his hand, watching as he ran back into the direction from whence he came from. you look back at yuji who pursed his lips into a thin line. "he entered to save tsumiki." he explains, and you were absolutely baffled. tsumiki? what does she have to do with this? how does geto even know about her? she's been in the hospital since..

since she was cursed in junior high.

you look back at yuki, who crosses her arms as another figure appears behind her. you were quick to get into fighting stance with inumaki, todo and yuji. yuki glances to her side, and puffs out her cheeks in a pout. "when i said to follow me, i didn't mean tail me as if you're my secret stalker, y'know." she nudges his side. choso gives her a nasty glare, but doesn't verbally say anything against her words. yuji stands down with todo, and inumaki after seeing that she knew the guy. you narrow your eyes at him in suspicion, standing down from your own stance as well. you then look back at yuji, "so you're telling me my sister is in the culling game?" you asked, going back on topic, which throws the other off guard for a few seconds, but he does answer. "she's not in the culling game, she's apart of it. geto said that anyone inflicted by the curse is nothing but an object used in the game, meaning that tsumiki is a sorcerer due to this, until we can figure out how to undo it." yuji briefly explains, his small ramble not resonating well with your spirit.

"how is she a sorcerer?" yuki asks, placing her hands on her hips. todo had the same question too, but failed to ask. yuji only sighed, face palming a bit before going back to explaining the situation. "due to having a cursed seal placed on her, she was forced into a coma when she was in junior high, presumably, middle school. she's been in this coma for years until today, when geto, who's actually kenjaku, also known as itadoris' mother, forcibly woke her up out of said coma, which resulted in her gaining a cursed technique." he pauses, clearing his throat as you slowly looked up at him, having to shut your jaw from dropping. "she was a non-sorcerer before, and because of that, she now is a sorcerer because of gaining this said technique we have no clue of it's or her whereabouts."

only explaining this bcuz the manga actually gets fucking confusing up to this point.

yuki hums, not really pleased with his answer, so she stays quiet. though inumaki had a few more questions about the topic, you beat him to it.

"pause. kenjaku is itadoris' mother?!"





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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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