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Alek, Damien, and I go around the back to one of those entrances

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Alek, Damien, and I go around the back to one of those entrances. There is a total of six entrances, which I feel like is too many for it to be a private buisness.

Alek keeps his focus straight ahead as he stands next to his brother. Damien sends little glances over at him. I'm a little bit behind them due to their long strides mixed with fast paced walking.

I look over my shoulder to make sure no one is following that shouldn't be. Off in the distance is a wooded area with an old car that has now a orange rusted look.

We get to the metal door with a circular dent around the size of a head. Damien tries the door which is locked. The lock is a simple lock, nothing complicated. I take my lock pick and move it around in the lock. 

The door squeeks when I lightly push it open. The lights are a yellow tint. The floor are dirty with dust bunnies and dirt. A water puddle sits still from a leak in the ceiling. Dry wall has started to peel with an offwhite color behind it. 

The stinch inside reminds me of a dead animal. I scrunch my nose as my eyes water from the smell. Alek and Damien both react to the awful smell, Alek covers his nose and mouth with his shirt and Damien does small scrunches to his nose.

He has a nice nose. Focus.

Damien signals for us to go to the door at the end of the hall to our left. The smell gets worse each step. I don't have a light stomach but this makes the food sitting in my stomach rise to my throat.

Before Damien opens the door we all take out our guns. Damien opens the door, looking in before gesturing with his hand for us to come in. The building is nearly silent, I can hear the dripping from the leak in the roof from here, though there are distant footsteps either belonging to Damien's team or the people who own the property.

There's a door in the far left corner of the room. Scratch marks make their appearance on the door along with the doorframe like someone was trying to fight from being put in their. The smell gets worse the closer I walk towards the door. Once I'm about three inches away from the door I have to use my hand to minimize the stinch making its way to my nose.

I turn towards the two men, "The smell's coming from in here," I whisper.

They share a look before making their way over to the door beside me. When I place my hand on the doorknob it has a liquid on it, I ignore it and open the door. The room is so dark that Alek takes out the flashlight he has. He finds a light switch on the wall and flicks it on.

I gasp from the sight infront of me. Laying on the floor is a corpse, the entire top half looks as if it had been hammered down to mush and the legs are bent at odd angles. Teeth, blood, brain matter, vomit, and graveled bones cover the floors around the body. Little white maggots eat their way through the flesh.

The body does not belong to a six year old boy.

Alek's face is pale with a tint of green, his throat bobs as he tries to swallow down the food rising in his throat. Damien's eyes just look over the body and he sighs in relief.

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