The Masters Secret

Start bij het begin

"I guess I'm just angry at myself. I knew this, I don't know..." I remembered that day in Venice, in the garden I ran into the future y/n. Her hair is different from her clothes. But behind her eyes, that was what scared me what if this was how the future happens? What if I could never stop it?

"Doctor what do you know?" Jack said. I decided to keep that interaction a secret for now. If I told Jack it had the potential to become a set point in time.

"I know it feels wrong," I closed a book shut.

"What?" Jack looked up from the pages he was reading.

"Her not being here, in the Tardis. Jack, she brought something back to this place. I didn't know if I could risk forming that again...And then most of all after months of."

"Being married?" Jack laughed and I back at him. "Never did I think I'd see you even be pretend married Doctor. Not after, well you know." Jack stopped. I knew who he was referring to, Rose.

I ran my hand threw my hair and took off my suit jacket. "Me either if that makes up for it. I never thought after being on that beach that I would find someone else. Someone who made me feel," I nodded my head.

"Doctor, tell me this. Why haven't you taken it off yet?" He pointed to me. I shot him a confused glance he nodded down to my hands. I raised my fingers to see a gold band wrapped around my ring finger. That was all the proof I needed. But then suddenly a thought occurred to me.

"OH! OH I'M SO THICK! SO THICKY THICK THICK!" I banged my head and ran off back to the Tardis console.

- Y/n POV-

When I was finally released I was able to rome around the planet freely. The master and I had come to an agreement, I would meet with him every day in some form for my freedom. Now I walked the unknown planet that was ravaged by all the different alien creatures me and the Doctor ever encountered. Each and every one of them passed me with looks of rage and anger. Me and the Doctor had angered them. I missed him... the image of his face danced across my mind. Thoughts of all the things I wanted to say to him, to confess to him...

All I could do was sit here in the master's garden and wait for him to sit and tell me more stories about him and the Doctor. And listen to him try to pry some "secret" from my brain.

He kept saying, "how can you not see who you are?" And honestly, at this point, I had no idea who I was or what he needs from me.

-Doctor POV-

"What Doctor? What's your plan? How can we find her?" I took off my ring and placed it into the Tardis console. She wheezed and wheezed but eventually came up with a location.

"Bingo! I found her jack look!" Jack ran over and grabbed the monitor.

"But Doctor that's not possible," the master had y/n on a dying planet on the outer ring of the untempered schism. 

"It's possible to exist but it's impossible to land the Tardis on the planet. The only way we can get on the planet is to go back to when the master created it. Then somehow hang out and scour the planet until we find her."

"That sounds like a very dangerous trap," Jack said leaning against the Tardis.

"It is. Typical master plan, we just need a way to get ahead of him." Grinding my teeth together, I pulled the Tardis leaver into gear and we headed off. "Allonsy!" Straight into the masters' trap. But it was the only way, to find y/n.

- Fast forward -

"Jack I could use some help you know!" Holding the sonic out I tried to fight off the multiple cybermen blocking our path. "Hurry up!"

"Which gun is it?" He shouted from inside the broke down Tardis. "Dammit I can't see anything!"

"Not a gun the Displacer!" My sonic was running out I could tell. "Now would be a great time to." Jack came out shooting each cybermens head exploding one after the other. But they kept multiplying. All I could think was all these months we fought to even make it on this planet. Months with a Tardis that didn't work. Months of scouring the maze-like planet for the master and y/n, nothing. Now we were cornered, the cybermen pushing us against a wall, no way out.

"We never got to her!" Jack yelled at me.

"Y/n!!!" I screamed. "Y/n!!! We're here!" Jack yelled out with me. We both in unison screamed her name. Over and over.

Just then the cybermen stopped, frozen. Then each of them exploded one by one. Golden sparks flying out from their heads. I heard another sonic device noise And then from behind them came a familiar voice. "Funny, I came when you called..."

And then out from one of the spaceship hallways, she stepped out. And I knew the moment I saw her it was y/n, but that y/n from Venice, from the garden. the long hair, the clothes, the now faded scar above her eye.

But she had aged.

I had no time to react because my body was running to her, before I even knew it I was embracing her.

But she wasn't embracing me.

Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th DoctorWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu