power index

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creation of matter: the ability to create anything and everything from nothing.
creation of powers: the ability to create powers, any power possible. powers created can be given to self and others (power bestowal).
flexibility: power to effortlessly bend and twist body without effort past normal limits.
flight: the ability to fly.
illumination: the power to generate photons or light through any body part.
invisibility: the power to render oneself unseen to the naked eye.
microscopic vision: the power to perceive items that are normally too small to be seen with the naked eye.
mind reading: the power to mentally receive and/or transmit information.
molecular combustion: the ability to speed up molecules to the point of combustion or explosion.
molecular immobilization: the ability to slow down the movement of molecules, leaving the being or object immobilized. "freezing" the object in time.
shapeshifting: the ability to transform into someone, something, or anything with matter.
speed: the ability to move at extraordinary physical speed.
stealth: the ability to possess extraordinarily skillful expertise in numerous ways and techniques of stealth.
strength: the power to have and exert a level of physical strength much greater than that of a normal person. beings with this ability are stronger, tougher, and more physically durable than normal humans.
whirling: the ability to teleport in a tornado-like way.
wind manipulation: the power to manipulate the wind, changing the horizontal and vertical differences in atmospheric pressure.
i got these definitions from charmed & superpower wiki lmao i'm not smart

but yeah next chapters will be individual chapters and stuff so yeah

ok love you bye


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