You're Just in Time, Make Your Tea and Your Toast

Start from the beginning

"I need to leave now!" Richie states, moving out of the hug and going over to his duffel bag.

"Rich, we all need to talk, as a group." Eddie says, watching as the man frantically repacks for the third time." Richie, please calm down."

"I need to go home." Is all the comedian says. Eddie stands up and goes over to him, grabbing his hand and saying," please calm down. We can talk with the others over breakfast and you can be gone by this afternoon. We just need to talk through some things, okay? Because I don't think I can bare the thought of leaving and not remembering you again. We need to know if we're going to remember eachother this time! I don't want to forget you again, Richie, I can't!"

Richie stops packing and sits down on the edge of the bed, Eddie sitting down next to him, still holding his hand. The comedians crying again and Eddie doesn't know what his dream had been about, only that it must've been bad to cause this reaction out of the man.

"Would you like some water?" Eddie asks. Richie shakes his head." Tea? Coffee?"

"No I'm okay." Richie responds, wiping his eyes on the back of his hand." I'm sorry for waking you up like this."

"We've been sleeping for a whole day I think we needed to wake up." Eddie says with a slight chuckle, but Richie's pale and doesn't look in the mood for a joke. Which is odd." Are you feeling okay? You're as white as a ghost."

"I'm trying not to be sick." Richie admits, staring at his lap." I vomit when I get anxious."

"Oh right, yeah, I remember that. Like the time you had to present something in front of the class and ended up vomiting into the trash can instead." Eddie states, trying to distract Richie, even if this probably wasn't the best topic of conversation to distract him with." I'm a bit shocked at how you get up on stage most nights to perform."

"I puke at least twice before going on. College kind of helped me with stage fright." Richie responds and he hiccups." Nope I'm gonna be sick."

He rushes off to the bathroom, Eddie following and kneeling beside him, rubbing his back as he throws up into the toilet. Richie sighs and sits down on the floor, wiping his mouth when Eddie passes him some tissue before he throws that into the toilet and flushes it.

"Let's go find the others." Richie says as he stands up, Eddie following him and saying," shouldn't we get dressed first?"

"Nah I'm just throwing on a tshirt and some socks." Richie says, grabbing a tshirt from his duffel bag. Eddie nods and grabs some clothes out of his suitcase, going into the bathroom to change.

Richie throws the tshirt on before he lies back down on the bed, sighing loudly. He just wanted to go home. Maybe not even to his home, to his parents home. He needed to go grocery shopping as he'd cancelled the rest of his tour and he didn't have any food in, but he really couldn't be bothered, so going to his parents would be much easier. That, and he wanted a hug from his mom.

"Let's find the others then." Eddie says as he leaves the bathroom, dressed in a blue rugby shirt and black jeans. Richie gets off of the bed and picks up his phone and keys before the two walk downstairs.

The only other people up and dressed are Stanley and Bill. Mikes at his own house, whilst Ben and Beverly are sat in their pyjamas, all of them drinking coffee, which Richie was craving.

You Don't Have To Be Sorry For Leaving and Growing UpWhere stories live. Discover now