Chapter two: Trick or Treat, Freak

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OCTOBER, 31, 1984

I wake up, brush my teeth and my hair. I put on my clothes, then put some mascara on. My mom only lets me wear mascara, and my friends tease me for it because they get to wear eyeshadow and lipstick.
I pack my lunch, and grab my backpack.

"Bye, mom! I'm walking to school!" I yell as I walk out the door.
"Bye, sweetie!"

I put headphones in and play, "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go". I'm trying to listen to the popular music that my friends like.
Oh, I forgot! It's Halloween!
Aw. Shit, I also forgot that I can't even go trick or treating tonight. My parents say it's too dangerous, but they let my brother go trick or treating with his friends. It's no fair. I was going to dress as a witch with my friends.

I walk by the busses and see Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas. They're dressed as the Ghost Busters! I really like their costumes! I wanna go up to them and talk, but Lucas and Mike are arguing.

"Why are you Venkman?" Mike asked Lucas.
"Because I'm Venkman."
"No, I'm Venkman!"
"Why can't there just be two Venkmans?" Will asked.
"Because there's only one Venkman in real life!" Said Mike, "We planned this months ago. I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stantz, you're Egon, and you're Winston!" Mike pointed at Lucas.
"I specifically didn't agree to Winston."
Then they argue more.

I walk pass them and walk inside, heading to my locker.
The boys walk inside and realize that nobody else is wearing a costume except them. It was pretty funny, but they looked cool. I wish I wore a costume so they could feel less embarrassed.


I walk to the cafeteria with my lunch. My friends are talking at their table, but my seat is taken. What's that all about?

"Uh, that's my seat... I usually sit by Sarah." I say to the girl that is sitting in my seat. I don't even know who it is, she's sitting and laughing with my best friend.

"Sorry, there's no room for you." Sarah said.
They give me a nasty look, I guess that's their way of telling me that I got replaced by some random girl. Whatever, I'll just sit somewhere else for today.
I look around the room, almost all the seats are taken. There's a few empty tables, but I don't want to eat by myself. I see Mike's table with Will, Dustin and Lucas.
Should I sit with them.... I think to myself. Well, I did say I wanted to be friends with them again so I'll give it a shot. What if they hate me since I haven't talked to them in over a year?
I walk over to their table. They look at me confused.

"Uh.. Hey, can I sit with you guys?" I say as I feel my hands shake and my heartbeat go faster.
Why am I so nervous? I look at Mike and he makes eye contact with me, making me blush a little.

"Party members only." Mike says.
Dustin and Lucas look at Mike.
"Be a little nicer, Mike. She just wants to sit with us." Dustin says, looking at me smiling. I smile back.
"Yeah!" Lucas agrees.

"Okay, whatever. Just for today." Mike glances at me.

I can feel all of the boys stare at me while I get out my lunch, but I don't look at them.
I'm too nervous to even eat.. why are they staring at me? I think to myself.

I look at them, then immediately they start talking about D&D. (Dungeons and Dragons)
I haven't played that game in awhile.

They don't really talk to me for the whole lunch time. But, Mike was looking at me a lot. I caught him twice, and each time his face turned a light red then he looked away quickly. He's so adorable. Also, we touched feet on accident twice.

For the rest of the day I don't talk to them.
I noticed Dustin and Lucas were talking to Max a lot.

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