Chapter 14: The Escape

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) ran up to him and hugged him.

"What's this for?"

"For saying all those nice things about me." She  replied, kissing his cheek.


"We need to get back to the mainland." Bob said, as they all ran down the hallway.

"I saw an aircraft hangar on my way in. Straight ahead I think."


Bob used his super strength to pry open the door.

"Where are all the guards?" He asked, noticing the hangar was empty. "Go, go!"

The family all rushed in and went up to a van where some guards were celebrating. One guard popped open a bottle of champagne and Bob caught the cork and smirked at them.

After beating up all the guards, the family looked around the hangar.

"This is the right hangar, but I don't see any jets." Helen said.

"A jets not fast enough." Bob told her.

"Well what's faster than a jet?"

"Hey, how about a rocket?" Dash gestured to a rocket in the hangar.

"Great! I can't fly a rocket." Helen said.

"You don't have to. Just use the coordinates from the last launch." Vince suggested.

"Wait. I bet Syndrome's changed his password by now. How do I get into the computer?" Bob wondered.

"Say please." A voice said. They all looked up to see Mirage looking down at them.


Lucius was in his apartment putting on aftershave when he saw the giant robot outside his window. He dug through a drawer and pulled out a remote that revealed a secret compartment where his super suit was. Or where it should've been. It was missing.

"Honey?" He called to his wife.


"Where's my super suit?"



"I...uh...put it away!"

Outside, a helicopter just got knocked out of the sky.


"Why do you need to know?"

"I need it!"

Lucius started rushing around the house looking for it.

"Uh-uh. Don't you think about running off doing no derrin' do! We've been planning this dinner for two months!"

"The public is in danger!"

"My evening's in danger!"

"You tell me where my suit is woman! We are talking about the greater good!"

"'Greater good?' I am your wife! I am the greatest good you are ever gonna get!"


The robot had just picked up a giant truck and hurled it through the air.

"My baby!" A woman picked up her child and ducked as the truck was about to crush her.

However, it started floating in midair and Syndrome was flying in the air holding the truck up with his zero point energy.

"The supers have returned."

"Is that Fironic?"


"No, Fironic has a different outfit."

"No, no. I'm a new superhero. I'm Syndrome!" Syndromes put his hands on his hips dramatically tossing the truck behind him making it explode.

The robot came up to Syndrome and reached for him, but he hit a button on his remote control wrist making the robot freeze.

"Someone needs to teach this hunk of metal a few manners." Syndrome punched one of the robots arms, then used his remote to make the arm fall off.

Syndrome posed dramatically in front of the crowd, not noticing that the robot was trying to locate the external source that had taken control of its body. It noticed that it was coming from the remote on Syndromes wrist.

The robot shot the remote off of him and then shot one of Syndrome's rocket boots causing him to spiral out of control and crash into a building, falling unconscious.


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