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Jisoo's Pov

Yaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!You all of you you should all do your best i mean if you can't do your best you know what will happen right!!!!(I shouted)

Y-yes maam we do.(They said stuttering)

Then why are you always like this huh?(I said)

If you can't all do your best then i will-(She cutted my words)

Maam please no please don't fire me!!!I promise i'll do my best so please-(Someone cutted her words)

Yah!!!Kim Jisoo what do you think you're doing huh?(I rolled my eyes on hyunjin oppa)

What?So you'll side on my employee again huh?(I said while smirking)

What i'm not on anyone's side.I just want you to calm down.(He said)

Calm down?What do you mean by that how will i calm down if your siding on my employee without even knowing what really happend huh?(I said)

Unnie!!!Hyung!!!Stop now please?(Junkyu said)

Yes hyung!!Unnie you should stop now if appa finds out he-(i cutted him off)

Okay!!okay!!I will stop now.(i said leaving them)

Hyunjin's Pov

(We saw jisoo walked out)
Let's go!!Let's follow her.(i said)

(We arrived at Jisoo's Office)

(Knock Knock)

Hey soo!!Can we come in?(No response)

We'll come in now okay?(i said)

(We saw her sitting with her eyes closed)

Hey soo?We're sorry i mean i'm not siding her or you.I just want you to calm down and don't shout because what if we're not around then dad saw you doing this to an employee you know he will be mad right?(i said but jisoo just closed her eyes)

Well it's up to you.I mean what if you got married are you still gonna keep that attitude of yours huh?(This time she opened her eyes and talk back to me)

Yes i will.I will do everything just to make him leave.(She said)

(I sighed)

Okay we'll go now okay?(i said as i hug her)

Unnie bye i love you!!!!!(As junkyu hugged her)

Unnie bye!!!!(Asahi said)

Okay bye love you guys!!!(She said smiling while rolling her eyes)

Oh yeah i forgot we have a family dinner this night and i think he invited someone i think it's Kim Company so he wants me to give this to you.(I hand her a box)

Uhm okay?Well bye oppa!!!!(she said)

Taehyung's Pov

Dad?What is it?You need me?(i asked)

Uhm yes my dear son i want you to shop a gift for your uncle's daughter.(he said making me confused)

Uhm why?(i asked)

Because she will be your wife?(He said making me shock.)

Whaaaaaat!??!?!!(I said)

Taehyung haven't we discussed about this yet that you will be marrying someone who will make you change i mean you can't just hang out with some different sluts out there?(Dad said)

Okay!!Okay!! Dad you can stop now?I'll go  ahead now.(i said)

(I go to a shopping mall)

Jisoo's Pov

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