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Hi I'm Kaylen Wright I'm a 20 year old who currently lives in Prescott Wisconsin. It's a nice town but I want more for myself.

My mom and me go to South Carolina every year sense I was 13. I felt like I was on a different world there. I also promised myself that I would go back every year just so I could smell the salt from the sea and the air that smelled more fresh some how like I could breath.

When I told my grandma about missing South Carolina she told me that she hadn't gone before but had some old friends living there.

"There from old money but some of the nicest people I have ever met" my grandma said. I felt warm all of a sudden.
"Well I do need to catch up with them I haven't in over 20 years". I was surprised grandma hasn't talked to them in over 20 years. I've heard about them all my life just never wanted to say anything.

The truth was my grandma does forget sometimes it's hard when she does. She is also cheerful and happy but when she forgets it's like an earthquake hit and turned her into something else.

"Well if you would like to travel with me you can just ask your mom you no how she always worries about you". "Yes grandma" I said.

I made my way back home up the driveway like always I felt different like I would be saying goodbye to this place for a while.

I opened the front door and took off my shoes to see my dog Louie. I got down to give him cuddles. He was a energetic little dog and loved when you played with him.

I went over to the kitchen where my mom was cooking supper. "Oh K your back I just put dinner in the oven" my mom told me. "Okay I do have something to tell you mom". She looked surprised. "Alright we'll tell me". I just decided to tell her to get it over with. "Grandma wants me to come with her to South Carolina to meet some of her old friends do you think that would be okay". "Yeah honey it will be a good trip for you and grandma". I was Relieved.

My phone rang when I was in the shower I had missed a phone call from granny. I called her back. "Hello dear I just wanted to say that we will be going in a couple of days" She told me. I was excited. "Alright thanks for letting me come again".

When I got off the phone with granny I was jumping with joy. I was going back to my favorite place on earth. Palm trees, ocean, and warm weather really did it for me. I hated Wisconsin's winters they were so cold and I had wished for summer most of the time. It was a nightmare.

I ran out of the bathroom to my mother and father. "Mom, dad I'm going to South Carolina". My mom was excited for me to meet new people and see more stuff but I've already seen so much.

I went downstairs to pack my things. My mom had given me her suitcase sense my was small and I was sure we were going to be staying for at least 2 weeks. I packed clothes, shoes, and most importantly books. I loved reading in warm weather and a beautiful beach did it for me.

I went to bed in my grey bedding with a smile on my face.

~Couple of days later~

I can't believe today is the day. I have been waiting for this moment sense forever. My grandma came to pick me up. I was jumping with joy when she showed up. "Well we will be there around 2pm or so"my grandma said as soon as we got onto the road.

The drive to the airport felt like a thousand years went by. We got out of the car and I ran to the entrance. My granny laughed. "Slow down its like you've had 3 Espressos". I couldn't calm down. We got checked in with this nice lady who said she liked my shirt. We had waited an hour for our plane to get here. I saw from out the window.

Soon I heard the plane Attendant say something. "All Passengers to gate B-4 to South Carolina may be Boarding now". I was so lucky I got a window seat but I was sitting with one other person in my seat. She was a lady probably going back home because she had a college sticker of South Carolina on her computer.

I was also luck y I brought a neck pillow because last time I didn't and my neck felt like a bunch of pins and needs in it. I was going to read the whole plane ride. It looked liked my grandma was talking to someone witch wasn't surprising at all because she liked to talk.

Once we landed I ran as fast as I could outside to see palm trees and clear sky. Smelled just liked as I remembered. My granny rented a car for this trip so it would make it easier for both of us. It was about an hour drive before I saw Familiar sign. Boone Hall Plantation. I had been here with my mother when I was 14. "Umm grandma this is a tourist attraction"I told her. "Yes I no and my friends live here". Wait what her friends live in Boone Hall the place that filmed The Notebook one of my favorite movies of all time here.

My grandma got out of the car and I was sitting there needing to take a breath. I opened the sun Visor in the car to make sure I looked alright. Sure I had short curly brown hair and grey eyes but a lot of people like my hair because it's so curly. Why am I thinking about random shit.

I got out of the car. "Finally I thought you would never get out". Granny and Me walked up the stairs to the huge mansion that I would have dreamed in living. A little old lady came out and hugged my granny. "It's nice to see you again Michelle". "You too oh this is Kaylen my granddaughter she's been coming to South Carolina sense she was 13". Why did my granny have to add that last part in. "Well nice to meet you Kaylen I'm  Leah". Wait my mother has the same name. "This was the person we got the name from your mother from" explained granny. I turned towards Leah. "I have been here before my mom and me came here when I was 14 I thought it was a fairytale" I told her. Leah smiled. "Thank you dear come in and I will show you your bedroom".

We went up the staircase and found my bedroom on the right side. She opened the door for me and it was the most prettiest room I've ever seen. White walls, blue bedding, a big bed, and a balcony. "I hope it will do". I hugged her. "Thank you". Leah giggled. "I will be downstairs if you need me also if there are people around here just tell them that you are a old friend of mine". I shook my head because I wasn't even old but okay.

I sat down on the bed in joy I was in my favorite place with the most beautiful house I've ever seen in.

This is the first part of my new story this is real so yes I have been to Boone Hall but most of this story is made up by and yes I have been to South Carolina don't worry. Sorry for any spelling mistakes ~Author

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