August 1995
So over the summer me and Lottie started dating and it had been 3 months now but I think we were still getting used to it we went ahead and told the team cause it would come out eventually they were super supportive which is more then i can say for our families but this was our first day as a official couple to everyone and we were nervous we got a few odd looks from other students and teachers but it wasn't that bad i was getting more of these looks than Lottie did i also am far worse at having a poker face acting like it doesn't bother me she squeezed my hand to comfort me "hey don't worry about them" i looked up at her no like literally looked up that height difference is real "easy for you to say your Lottie Matthews" "stop that" "what" "feeling sorry for yourself" she leaned down as to look me in my eyes "your Laura Lee and your gonna be someone whos better than any lowlife out there judging okay and i only hope im as lucky as to still be around to see it i love you Laura Lee" "i love you too and thanks" we embraced in a way that wouldn't require her to bend down or me to lean up and all of a sudden i felt like everything was gonna be okay"

September 1995
She was right it did get better and they eventually went on about their lives it was great we got each other to do things out of our comfort zone like how Lottie would drag me to parties "come on babe lets dance" i tried my best to roll my eyes through the big smile on my face i took her hand as she lead me to the center of the room of the party and started dancing innocently at first she got more seductive as it went which told me she's probably drunk or at least tipsy and everything was going great until a few hecklers decided to open their big mouths started whistling and yelling "y'all gonna kiss or what" i wanted to crawl in a hole and die all over again "get a life" was all I could mumble up "whatever dy-" all of a sudden Lottie stood up clearly not as intoxicated as I thought "if i were you I wouldn't finish that sentence,now your gonna go about your day and leave me and my girlfriend the fuck alone" this was the most anger I'd heard in Lotties voice while being completely calm i was almost intimidated "dyke" and what can i say she warned him she slung her drink in his face before taking mine and pouring it on him and was about to do far worse before Van and Tai walked up to break it up and yeah I probably should've said or did something but i froze Van got them to go home and took me and Lottie inside for a minute since it was Tais house Lottie looked at me almost with shame "I'm sorry you had to see that" i looked at her and smiled "he had it coming" "your damn right he did" Tai adds in "i know but i let anger get the best of me and like yeah i knew there'd be people who didn't like it but i just wasn't prepared for that" i put a hand on her leg "its okay cause your gonna be someone far more important than he'll ever be and i only hope I'm around to see it" "geez i wonder who said that" i smiled before leaning in and our lips crashing together like something that fit the one thing that just made sense the one set of lips that makes me feel home no matter where we are that makes all the suffering worth it

October 1995
Lottie sat at dinner that night with her parents one of the few nights they were actually home Lottie enjoyed this they came around once the initial shock of the coming out wore down "hey mom" Mrs.Matthews looked up to her daughter "yes Lottie" "i was wondering if their was a way you could meet my girlfriend this weekend" "oh Lottie i don't know were so busy" "i-i know you and dad are busy but mom i really like her and i think you guys would too and she took a chance to even be with me and i just want to show her that She always has a family with me and that im worth it" Mr.Matthews looks up "have you told her about the" "no I didn't feel it is important" "well if your serious about her one day it might be that's something she needs to know" "but im scared once she knows I'll lose her forever like i do everyone" "oh sweetie you have to trust that she won't and if shes as great as you say she is I don't think you have to worry" just then Mr.Matthews spoke up "i can move around a couple meetings if this is that important to you" "really? Thank You"

November 1995
We had been dating for a minute now and Lottie was my date to homecoming and it usually wasn't my thing matter fact I usually only go cause Jackie makes us something about being a united front but for once i was actually excited we were going really well her parents even loved me and despite them not being happy about the whole thing my parents finally came around and met Lottie and they loved her cause of course they do who wouldn't literally nothing could go wrong right now "hey you almost ready" i looked up at Lottie and couldn't help but smile "yeah just about" "you look great Laura" i smiled "thank you you look wow" "well you know im showing up with a hot date I thought i might try" we stared into each others eyes before stealing a kiss "lets go and we went to homecoming where no surprise Jackie and Jeff won the court though to our surprise we were runner ups and we started to dance and i felt like i had crossed over cause this is what heaven had to feel like Lotties arms around my waist felt like a group of angels carrying me as i walked and her eyes I genuinely get lost in them everytime i wanted to lover her forever and if it was up to me i would

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