Towards this sudden explosion of rage from her son, Bai Yan didnt have much of an opinion; after all, it was Nangong Lin who came to make trouble even if he was only just a child. Nevertheless, shes not going to just stand around and take it like its nothing just because the foes age was much younger than the rest.

Mother, you wouldnt be angry at me for not holding back would you? Turning around after half a ring, the baby boy somehow gave off the aura that hes the one who suffered indignation here.

No, raising a faint smirk at her sons question, We wont initiate trouble, but we wont back down from trouble either. If someone dares to bully you then dont hold back my son.

Slowly loosening his breath, the baby boy was quite pleased in his expression to hear he wont be reprimanded: Mother, out of consideration that Nangong Lin is only like this because hes been spoiled by those bad parents of his, we should send him back to the palace.

Okay, as you wish my son. Nodding in agreement, Bai Yan then brings out a certain item from her sleeve, Here, have him take this pill first.

A childs nature can never be too bad, but depending on their parents education then they would start showing evil or good as they grow older. Its not too late for Nangong Lin either..

Chapter 420 Gatekeeper (1)

Miss Bai Yan, this here is Fairy City and the only way to the Misty Fairy House. Flowing with people before their eyes, Wang Deqiu proudly introduces his home city.

Mmm, staring down at the bustling street, Bai Yan reveals a meaningful smile that somehow carried a strangeness to it. I think Xiachen is getting tired, lets go to your familys home first so we can get some rest.

Yes, of course.

Bellowing out a hearty laugh, the middle-aged man couldnt ask for more. Hes long wanted to invite Bai Yan to stay at his home, just that he didnt have the courage to ask. Now that the womans personally asking for it, how could he refuse?

Besides, letting my stupid son follow Xiachen around would help him learn a lot.

Puckering his lip to the side, Wang Xiaopeng apparently had a different opinion about coming back: Actually Boss, I dont want to go back to that Wang House. None of them likes me anyways. If not for my grandfathers birthday, I wouldnt even want to return.

My mother said that a person needs to be filial. You may not want to go back but that doesnt mean you can hinder your father from doing so. Besides, my mother always said it, never cower before tyranny. If they bully you then bully them back.

The voices of these two little ones may be small, but its more than enough to drift into the ears of the adults.

Look at how sensible your friend Xiachen is compared to yourself. If you can be just as half as good as him then I can be at ease! Shooting a daggering glare at his own brat, Wang Daqiu openly reprimands the poor chubby.

This really is that old saying of coming back to bite me in the ass: the child of other people is always better. If only this ignorant brat could just be a bit more sensible, then just maybe. Maybe back then my old pops wouldnt have kicked us out. No matter what Xiaopeng is still his grandson, how can a grandpa not care?

Exasperated with steam on his face, the chubby didnt agree in the least. As such, he turns to his younger sister for support: Xiaotong, do you recognize me?

I. Shy and childish in her response, the little girl was truly adorable in her appearance, I think whatever Brother Xiachen says is right.

Choking for the longest time, the only thing Wang Xiaopang managed to spell out afterwards were a phrase that none had expected: A woman is born to leave her family!

Ooomph, coughing hard at his sons outburst, Wang Deqiu didnt forget to apologize to the guests after shooting a warning glare at the chubby. Miss Bai Yan, my apologies for his ignorance, please dont take it to heart. Anyways, its getting late already, let us head over to the Wang House first so we can all take a rest.

Slightly nodding her head, Bai Yan pleasantly rubs her sons head as confirmation: Lets go then.

The Wang family have always been the number one House within Fairy City. For thousands of years, theyve been the gatekeeper to the mega power behind this settlement; therefore, their status has and will continue to remain the same regardless of their personal strength.

Even so, nothing could remain stable forever, this clan was no different. Aside from its special status, the Wang family was but a shadow of its former glory nowadays.

Right now, due to the messengers running ahead of time, many of the members of this household was already standing in wait outside the estate. Thats why, when Bai Yan and her group arrived on scene, the first thing to come into their view was a gray-haired elder of serious expression.

You are back.

Yes Father, your unfilial son is back. Acting like a poorly disciplined puppy, Wang Deqiu lost all semblance of a stern character that he shows to his own children.

As for Wang Xiaopeng, the poor chubby could only hide behind his friends back due to how fearful he was of the old grandpa. But with his size, how could the kid possibly cover that huge body of his?

So, the elder only needed a glance to locate the brat.