Treasure x Hyejin Ships (1/2)

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[Choi Hyunsuk]
Hyesuk - Older Brother/Younger Sister

Hyunsuk looks at Hyejin like a little sister, he is protective toward her when she talks to any guy that isn't a member of Treasure

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Hyunsuk looks at Hyejin like a little sister, he is protective toward her when she talks to any guy that isn't a member of Treasure. Hyunsuk enjoys writing music with her and finds her input on a song important. Hyejin loves how supportive Hyunsuk is with her music, when he asks for input on a song he is working on, it means a lot to her more than he knows and is aware of. You often will see them in the studio together working on a song or going shopping.

[Park Jihoon]
Hyehoon - Prank Buddy 1/3

Jihoon and Hyejin like to pull pranks on the other members, especially Jeongwoo

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Jihoon and Hyejin like to pull pranks on the other members, especially Jeongwoo. They often have prank wars with each other which can sometimes get out of hand if there is no interference from the other members. Like Hyunsuk, Jihoon is also protective over Hyejin. Even though they have more of a friend-like relationship unlike the sibling relationship she has with Hyunsuk, Jihoon does consider her a little sister who is like his best friend.

[Kanemoto Yoshinori]
Yoshijin - Talkative Buddies

Since Yoshi is one of the talkative members, Hyejin finds it easy to start a conversation with him

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Since Yoshi is one of the talkative members, Hyejin finds it easy to start a conversation with him. When they do start a conversation, it can last for hours. When Hyejin went to New York to visit her parents, Yoshi called her every night and would talk to her about his day and what the boys have been up to. They are always not together, but when they are it is hard to keep them quiet for one second. Hyejin loved Yoshi's chubby cheeks, but she thinks he is handsome without them.

[Kim Junkyu]
Junjin - Besties

Junkyu and Hyejin are very close, they clicked almost immediately when she first joined the group

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Junkyu and Hyejin are very close, they clicked almost immediately when she first joined the group. They often go to each other for advice when it is needed. During their downtime, they like to play video games together and sometimes you can often find Junkyu clinging to Hyejin like a Koyla. Hyejin cuddles with Junkyu sometimes since he can get a bit clingy and when the others don't let him, she does and they cuddle for hours enjoying each other presence.

[Takata Mashiho]
Hyeshiho - Two Visuals

Mashiho and Hyejin both think each other is cute and adorable

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Mashiho and Hyejin both think each other is cute and adorable. Despite Hyejin thinking aegyo is cringe and annoying, she often does it with Mashiho to get him to buy her food or when she wants something. He says he doesn't like when she does it and cringes, but it works because he secretly thinks it's cute and would do anything for her just to see her be cute. Hyejin thinks Mashiho is adorable despite him claiming to be sexy.

[Yoon Jaehyuk]
Jaejin - Prank Buddy 2/3

Jaehyuk is pretty mischievous and often joins Jihoon and Hyejin's pranks causing a war between them

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Jaehyuk is pretty mischievous and often joins Jihoon and Hyejin's pranks causing a war between them. Jaehyuk thinks Hyejin is like a hyperactive little kid when she gets mischievous and thinks it's cute. Jaehyuk's heart flutters every time he gets the smell of the perfume she uses, which has gone unknown to Hyejin. Jaehyuk doesn't mention it because he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable. He doesn't like her romantically, just enjoys the perfume she uses.

Words: 641

Date: October 10, 2022

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