The Second Coming (roballen2)

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        The Christian religions all claim to be waiting for the return of Christ.
I don't want this to be some long, dry drawn out writing. I want this to be like a burning ember in your mind. Words to start a fire of thought.

    How would the return of Jesus Christ affect the people of the Earth? Consternation,  of course. Especially among the politicians, and the religious. This would be the most upsetting news to come to people of Earth . The implications would be more then religious. They would reverberate throughout every field: political, religious, scientific, economic, psychological, you name it.

    How many countries would allow their citizens to witness or be aware of such a thing? The communist nations would try to keep it from the populace as long as possible. In this age of instant information it couldn't be kept from the people too long, despite the most intense efforts to suppress it.

       Jesus would be all over the internet. "You Tube" would be full of videos of everything Jesus done.  Not just Jesus performing miracles, EVERYTHING he said or done would be recorded, and documented in one way or another.

The governments of the socialist democracies would no doubt be agonizing what to do? A lot of groups would be utterly furious if news to this effect were broadcast. The fundamentalist Christians, the Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholics, possibly the orthodox and reformed Jews, the Moslems...and every other off-beat cult. The reaction of the more liberal churches would be a bit more unpredictable. No doubt everyone would share one speculation. What if this was Jesus, and they had been wrong?

    As for the Hindus, they would attempt to assimilate this Jesus in their religion, as they had taken in just about every new god. No, they couldn't. Jesus denies he's a god. (besides he would reject the totality of the Hindu religion.)

    As for the agnostics and the atheists, they'd be just as upset, and they'd be equally denunciatory.

    This would be like a political bomb in the laps of the world leaders. What could they do? They couldn't ignore it.

    What miraculous things would Jesus have to perform to convince people he was who he claimed to be?

    The Israeli parliament wouldn't allow him to enter Jerusalem. Israel would no doubt be torn apart, brother against brother, father against son. The super-orthodox groups that still refuse to recognize Israel as a state because it's not religious enough, they would flatly reject Jesus as the Messiah. The orthodox would be divided, some ecstatic because the Messiah had finally come, others raging that he was not a true Jew, let alone the descendant of David called the Anointed. A large part of the population are agnostic or atheist  or of the reformed branch of Judaism. Many people that don't practice the faith but call themselves Jews would be swept away. They would become devout as the most orthodox and call for the government to allow Jesus to come to Israel to begin the messianic era.

    In Rome the pope would appear and denounce the Messiah as the Antichrist. The Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church would repeat the accusation. The Archbishop of Canterbury would state something to the effect, The Church of England could neither deny or confirm the status of the claimant. More study of  the messages and comparison of them with the theology derived from the Scriptures would have to be done.

    The Baptist churches, Southern and otherwise, would officially reject this Jesus. Their flocks would be divided. Splinter movements with various names would form.

    The official heads of the Hindus, Moslems, and Buddhists would scorn Jesus. But, again, their flocks would be divided.

    Everywhere there would be bitter words often followed by violence. Mass demonstrations, riots and revolution would occur.

    I hope this put ideas in your mind. I hope this makes the reader think and wonder...

    What would become of Jesus this time???

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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