“Perhaps it’s time you get a taste of your own medicine Doctor,” she directed at Dottore. The Tsaritsa then turned to me, her silver locks shifting like shimmery satin. “You. Come closer.”

Shit. She’s talking to me.

I took a deep breath and made my way forward until I was standing within two meters of her. She studied me intently as I held a stoic expression, concealing all fear and anxiety deep inside me.

“Give me your hand.”

I pursed my lips before putting my hand in hers. Her eyes were still trained on me, however she flipped my hand until my palm faced upwards. Placing her own hand on mine, I felt cold seep into my veins. Was this a punishment? I had no clue what was going on. Usually I would have come up with a theory to explain her actions but my mind was extremely occupied with worrying for my life.

Glancing down after she removed her hand, my eyes registered the brightly glowing lines in the shape of tree roots or veins spreading over my palm and up and down my fingers. The archon tilted her head as she followed the lines with her eyes almost as if she were reading.

Palm reading? It was certainly a possibility. My theory was proven correct when she spoke again. I could feel the curious eyes around me aching to get a look.

“You come from Fontaine originally,” she stated not waiting for a reply. “A lonely child whose knowledge was her only friend. An orphan. Interesting… A liyuen spy at one point; electro vision wielder; scientist and doctor; and only 23 years old. My, my, what achievements you have acquired. She might just give you a run for you money, Doctor.”

At that she looked up at him. It was almost as if she could see right through his mask; her eyes were so deep and calculating like a never ending snow blizzard. She looked amused at whatever reaction Dottore had shown before her focus was back on me.

“I see a bright future for you in the Fatui and-“

Suddenly elements of surprise were visible on her face. The muttering and whispering around us had begun again.

The queen did a double take as she read my palm again and this time when she looked up, she stared at Dottore, then me. And this happened again. Now everyone in the room was visibly confused and intrigued.

Me however, I was terrified at what she had just discovered in my future. Evidently Dottore had something to do with this. She did nothing to ease my worries when her icy cold expression cracked as the corners of her lips curved into a small smile. It appears this expression was completely unnatural for her because I swear I heard a gasp or two from somewhere behind me.

“What a turn of events. How unexpected. Well I have no choice now it seems. Bring the sword,” she stated.

Oh. Shit.

She could at least tell me what I’ve done before executing me in front of the entire royal court. This might be the most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me.

Honestly, she’d be doing my a favor. But… what about all the research I still have to do? Damn it. I don’t want to die just yet.

A soldier brought forward an opened wooden case holding a sword truly only worthy of the gods. It was crystal clear with the Fatui symbol etched into the pommel of the sword and a ruby as red as Dottore’s eyes taunted me with its sparkles and glimmers. Once her hand was wrapped around the hilt it glowed white. I gulped.

“Don’t look so afraid, child. The only time I killed someone with it was because they didn’t deserve a knighthood by myself. Now, kneel before your queen.”

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang