I miss you so much-cordelia

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An-hey it's been a minute I have the energy to try and write also sorry about the lack of punctuation I'm to lazy to edit this.

The room is lightly lit by the soft rays of the moon you had finally finished your long day of classes. You were getting ready for bed in yours and Cordelia's shared room. putting on one of Cordelia's oversized shirts Cordelia had been working so much lately you never really saw her anymore. She would only come to bed long after you had been asleep and would leave early In the morning before you got up. You had missed her so much the thought of her holding you in bed and placing soft kisses on your forehead made tears drip down your cheeks. Your quickly wiped your tears and walked into the bathroom and brushed your teeth and washed your makeup off from the day. You walked towards the bed and moved the covers and got Into a cold bed as you turned to face Cordelia's side of the bed you couldn't stop the tears form falling god you missed you her . You grabbed Cordelia's pillow to hold it was the only thing that made you feel close to her lately tears fell harder and faster as you smelled her sent off the pillowcase. After sometime you had fell asleep but were awoken by the door opening and closing you were still groggy from being awoken so suddenly as you were gaining more conciseness you also heard soft foot steps in the bathroom and the faucet of the sink running and being turned off. With your eyes still closed you feel Cordelia lightly shaking you awake. Cordelia says in a soft tired voice "baby I need my pillow back" and then runs her hand through your hair. You groaned and let go of the death grip on her pillow and placed the pillow back in it's rightful place on Cordelia's side of the bed. You felt the bed dip as Cordelia laid next to you as you turned towards her you whimpered"missed you so much Delia" Cordelia wrapped her arms around you tightly and placed your head on her chest. Cordelia whispered " I know love I missed you to I'm sorry I've been working so much but today I finished all of my paper work so I'll be around more" You looked up at her with big tearful eyes and said "really" with a hopeful tone Cordelia nodded her head and wiped your tears from your face you quickly fell asleep in her arms and for the first time in days woke up in them.

Sarah Paulson character one shots Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα