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Name- Jason Fedorov 

Age- twenty one

Sexuality- Homosexual

Gender orientation- Male

Biological- Male

pronouns- He/him

Race- white


Height- 6'0

Hobbies- graffiti, drawing, shopping with Kim

Red flags- bipolar, ignorant, childish, careless

green flags-nice, sweet, caring, 

occupation- pet shelter owner

Back story/ other info

Jason was borne in america, his mother and father were deported back to Russia when he was five, he lived in foster care for a few years till he met him at around age 8. He was never officially adopted by his father but he lived with Kim from age 8 and still does. now they both are very good friends, almost close to brothers and do almost everything together. when he turnt 19 he opend a pet shelter and it only grew and grew from when he was seen with Kim and his father. some people see Jason as Kim's servant but Kim sees Jason as his older brother and best friend 

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