{RyeJi} - when you're sick

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Hearing the miserable groan slip from your lips caused Ryujin's eyes to fly open.

"Y/N?" She sleepily mumbled as she reached over to turn on the lamp before she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

After she rubbed the sleep from them and blinked a few times to adjust them being open, she saw you sitting up near the foot of the bed, where you held your stomach and groaned in pain.

"Baby, what's the matter?" She asked as she scooted close to you.

Between her movement, the lamp being on to light up the room, and the whimpers and groans falling from your lips - Yeji quickly opened her eyes, too.

"What's going on?" She asked as she sat up.

"I think Y/N is sick."

She moved closer to you, just as Ryujin had done, and they both started to fuss over you and worry about you.

"Your stomach hurts, baby?" Yeji frowned as she rubbed your shoulder comfortingly.

You nodded your head quickly.

"Let me feel your forehead." Ryujin quietly said before placing her soft hand on your skin.

And her heart sank upon realizing that you felt hot.

You were running a fever - and a high one at that.

"She's definitely running a fever," Ryujin told Yeji as she started to brush her fingers across your arm.

"I don't feel good." You said with a shaky breath. "I think I might be sick."

Ryujin and Yeji quickly started to ask you what they could do to help.

Seeing you so miserable made them feel so terrible and having been with you for so long now, they've always been there to care for you and make you feel better.

You've, of course, been sick here and there.

But over the year and a half that you've been dating Ryujin and Yeji, they haven't seen you this sick and they didn't know what to do to make you feel better.

"What do you need, baby? Some water? Some medicine for your fever?" Yeji asked.

But before you could say anything to either of them, your stomach started to turn and your mouth started to water.

You knew you were going to throw up and you didn't have much time until you'd be sick.

So you got off the bed and ran into the bathroom before falling onto your knees and throwing up.

Your girlfriends came running and within just a second or two, they were there by your side to help you through it.

"Oh, our poor girl," Ryujin sadly spoke.

"It's okay, darling. Let it out. We're here." Yeji said as she gently held your hair back while Ryujin rubbed your back.

They gazed at each other as you got sick, sad and worried expressions on their faces.

They felt so helpless.

They didn't know if there was anything they could do to make you feel better and that was a hard pill to swallow for them.

As you threw up, they continued to comfort you with gentle touches and soft words.

It lasted a few minutes; a few terrible, agonizing minutes.

But without them there with you, it would've been so much worse.

When you finished, you flushed the toilet and then stood up on shaky legs.

You nearly fell back to your knees but your girls, as always, were there to catch you.

"I'm going to go up to the store real quick," Ryujin said.

"For what?" You asked with sad eyes before looking at Yeji.

"You need some medicine. You're showing signs of the flu so I think if I get you some medicine, it might help a little. Don't worry, sweet girl. I'll be back before you know it." She promised.

"And I'm staying right here with you, so you won't be alone," Yeji said as she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I'm tired." You said.

"I know." Yeji sighed as Ryujin left to go to the store. "Brush your teeth real quick and then we can go lay down."

You did as she said, focusing extra on trying to rid the disgusting taste of vomit that lingered on your tongue.

When you finished, Yeji helped you to bed and laid down with you.

"You can put your head on my chest. When Ryujin gets back, if you're asleep, we'll wake you and have you take your medicine before you can go back to sleep and we'll cuddle you."

You put your head on her chest and closed your eyes, listening to her heartbeat as you drifted off to sleep.

You slept for a few peaceful minutes before Ryujin got home with your medicine.

At first, she and Yeji just talked as they watched you sleep for a moment.

"Has she gotten sick since I left?"

"No. Thankfully. She's just been sleeping." Yeji said as she gazed down at you.

"How's her fever?" Ryujin worriedly asked as she sat on her side of the bed, gently placing her hand on your forehead. "Still hot."

You woke up from the brush of her hand on your skin and when you opened your eyes, you saw them both gazing at you.

"Hey, pretty girl. How do you feel?" Yeji asked.

"Not good." You groaned. "I don't feel nauseous anymore but my body hurts and I'm cold."

"We'll get you all warm and cozy after you take this," Ryujin said as she pulled the medicine out of the bag.

You watched her open it before pouring the liquid into the cap.

"Here, baby. Take this real quick." Ryujin softly said before kissing your head.

"No." You said and turned your head.

"Y/N, baby, you need to take it. It's going to help your fever." Yeji said.

You looked between her and Ryujin with tired eyes.

"Please, sweet girl. Then we can cuddle you, keep you warm, and you can go back to sleep." Ryujin said and continued to patiently hold the cap of medicine for you.

You parted your lips and took the cap, pouring it into your mouth.

You coughed and wrinkled your nose in disgust as the taste nearly made you gag.

"All done!" Yeji said.

"Good job, baby!" Ryujin smiled before kissing your cheek.

"Cuddle me now." You mumbled with a pout.

Ryujin nodded and put the cap back on the medicine before going to wash her hands and then join you in bed.

She and Yeji happily cuddled you close after tucking you in and giving you a sweet kiss on your cheeks.

"I love you both. Thanks for taking care of me."

"Don't thank us for that, baby," Ryujin said.

"You're our girl. We'll always be here to take care of you, no matter what. We love you so much." Yeji spoke before kissing your cheek once more.

"Have sweet dreams, sweet girl. If you need us for any reason at all, wake us up. We're here with you." Ryujin promised and played with your hair as you drifted off to sleep in her and Yeji's warm and comforting embraces.

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