I quickly slap my hands over my mouth, looking at panicking James.

as we try to hear what's more to hear, it gets quiet.

"did they hear us??" James whisper.

"no, you can't hear much out there, I think something is happening-" I tell him.

"I can protect you." Juliette says, her voice loud and clear.

"And I have friends who could do more. Who will stand beside you and fight." She continues.

All we hear after that is notices I can't really explain. But suddenly the floor starts shaking.

"you will not be alone." Juliette says. "You don't need to be afraid anymore. We want your children to have a chance at a better future. And we want to fight. We want to win." She tells them.

"And we are asking for your help."

There's an silence.
And them absolute chaos.
Cheers. Screams and shouts.

"congratulations, gentlemen," Aaron says. "Send word to your families. Your friends. Tomorrow, everything will change. The supreme will be here in a matter of days,"

I quickly take James's hand and we run.

I can hear Aaron say, "prepare for war." as we run back to the training quarters.


"how did it go?" I ask as we see everyone coming back.

Kenji comes running toward me and James, lifting me up smiling as he place me back down to do the same with James.

"how'd do you think it went?"

"um. good I hope?" James laughs, but it's a nervous laugh.

"Elena." Aaron says gesturing for me to follow him.

"something wrong?" I ask now standing in front of him.

"why didn't you listen?" He ask, his voice calm, and his face is neutral.

I have a hard time figuring out if he's mad or not.

"what do you mean-"

"Elena. I told you to stay here and if not, you are to stay in your room." He says, his voice disappointed, which makes me regret sneaking out in the first place. He knows we snuck out.

"We just wanted to see what you guys were doing— and— we didn't even see anything, we just listened-" I tell him feeling bad.

he looks up and around the room before looking back at me.
"You can leave, take the elevator up to my office, and stay there until I am there. I'm not done talking to you." He tells me.

"it's not a big deal Aaron—you always make it seem like it." I tell him which I think I might have said louder. Not too loud, but it's enough for some of the others to hear me.

I take the elevator up and there I wait.


"I know I shouldn't have done it, but I'm so tired of having to draw all day-" I tell him irritated by his reaction.
It's not a big deal, but to him it is.

"I understand that you don't want to draw all day, but sneaking out is something I told you to stop with." He tells me.

I stay quiet.

"I'm okay with you walking to my room and the training quarters by yourself, but I should not have to worry about you trying to get involved in these things."

"what things?? the war that's coming? I knew that would happen if Juliette would try take over sector 45, so what else am I not supposed to know??" I ask angrily.

I'm sitting on Aaron's chair by his desk while he is sitting on a couch close to me.

"I never said that you cant know what's coming, that would be too hard to keep away from you, but I don't want you to see what's coming. And if you will continue to sneak out, I'm sure you will sooner or later get into a situation I don't want you in." He tells me serious as he looks at me hoping to have made it clear.

"what am I supposed to do when dad gets here? I'm not allowed to help with anything."

"you can ether stay here, in my room, in your own room or you can stay in the training quarters. But if you sneak out again, if you follow me or anyone else because of your curiosity, I will make sure Delalieu watch you at all times."

"so he will be staying outside my room for hours, waiting for me to maybe sneak out?"

"if that's the only way you will stop sneaking out, then yes. I will have Delalieu do that." He tells me.

I look down. I do feel bad, I just want to do something else that isn't just sitting in my room or sitting in a corner of the training quarters with James. I want to be with him of course, but I want to do something else other than doing the same things everyday.

"okay..I'm sorry for sneaking out. I won't do it again, but if I will keep that promise, will you let me and James have a sleepover?" I ask him now smiling.

"A sleepover? in your room?"

"mhm—since people here know about Kenji and the others, wouldn't it be okay if James and I have a sleepover just once?"

There is a short silence.

"I'm afraid you'll have to ask Kent that question. It's your room, Kent might not like the idea."

thank you for all the sweet comments, I really appreciate them<3
if there is any scenes you would like to see, feel free to comment them:)
I do also have many ideas myself<3

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