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Athena groaned and blinked, she looks around and sees a unknown room, she turns to her brothers who stirs beside her.

"Thena?" Thor asked groggily.
She nods "I don't know where we are, or how we landed here brother"
And turns to Loki, to wake him up.

Then a loud sound comes out of the speakers on the wall and everyone sits up abruptly.

Tony is the first one who asks" where are we?"

A voice is heard" I summoned you, in my world you are all fictional characters, so I want you all show some scene for fun and to prevent thing to happened.
Many if you will figure out, the most of you come from different timelines. Introduce yourself"

"Natasha Romanoff"
"Tony Stark"
"Steve Rogers"
"Bruce Banner"
"Clint Barton"
"Athena, Odinsdottir"
"Thor Odinson, god of thunder"
"Loki Laufeyson , god of mischief"
The Avngers looks to him and throw him angry looks until they saw Athena glare at them.
"Frigga" "Odin"

Wanda smiled nervously "Wanda maximoff"
"Pietro Maximoff"


"Peter Parker" a shy boy introduced himself, and ana awed loudly, he blushed.
"Ned "
"Aunt may"

Natasha looked shocked at her.

"Yelena"Natasha looked shocked at her

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