Headcanons - Them As Lovers

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Pierro - The Jester
As the No. 1 of the Fatui Harbingers, he hardly has any time for anything outside of work and unfortunately, that includes you. But despite his absence, he does want to make sure that you know he loves you.

You two exchange letters a lot. You mostly talk about how it's going in Snezhnaya and occasionally about your trips to neighbouring countries. Pierro mostly talks about new intel he can tell you about and how you remind him of things in the countries he visits. Sometimes, when you really miss him you either talk about it in a letter or personally visit him. When it's the former, Pierro always finds a way to clear his schedule for a day or two to come see you.

Pierro is the type of lover to be uncaring in a way to protect you. He does not talk about classified information with you, never mentions his past, his relationships towards anyone else and he never talks about anything he experiences. It's not because he wants to make you think that he's tough, he just thinks it's the right thing to do to keep you safe.

Whenever he's at home, he does all sort of activities with you. As grumpy as he looks, he enjoys floral arts. Hence why he often gifts you flowers and they always have symbolic meanings. Other than floral arts, cooking together and painting are also on the list. Anything he does with you in general makes his day 10 times better. He tends to be more extroverted when he is with you, wanting to make every second count while he's at home. He always has something memorable planned, like coming home to give you promise rings or taking you out for dinner to propose to you the next time you two are together. He wants to be able to remember and relive every moment with you.

The Jester is physically very intimate. Not even in a spicy way, he just likes being close to you. Whether it's just holding your hand or you all curled up in his arms, he can never get enough of it. His kisses, hugs and the ways he uses his hands are just magical. He always know when end where to kiss you, he always knows how to hug you and he always knows when to hold your hand. His way of communication and affection is through touch, which is also why he's insanely physically intimate.

He's the type of guy to make lame dad jokes in the morning when he just prepared breakfast for the both of you. He's the type of guy to help you dress up for a banquet and be gentle like you're porcelain. He's the type of guy to kiss your shoulders when you two bathe together. He's the type of guy to get warm milk and cookies while you two are all cozy underneath a blanket in front of an open fire.

Capitano - The Captain
As the renowned Captain, he's more absent than being with you. But he somehow manages to stay with you a lot more time with you unlike the other Harbingers. Though, when he's away, he does nothing but think about you.

He always has tons of love letters prepared for you right before he leaves and he always hides them around the house. So whenever you miss him, you can search around the house and look for his coffee-scented love letters filled with nothing but sweetness. He still sends you letters while he's away though. He writes about the things he experiences and the things you remind him of and it's always poetic.

Capitano is the type of lover to boast about all the positive things and ignore all negative things. He refrains from talking about any losses (not that he'd lose in battle but losses like his men dying), he refrains from talking about any upsetting things. Instead, he's always talking about the things he gained during a mission or expedition and always talks about happy events. It's his way of honor to keep his things to himself and only talk about his successes.

Whenever he gets to pester you at home, he's always sticking to you like glue. He's not excessively needy, he's far from that, he just wants to cherish you like no other. Afterall, he'd pick watching the snowflakes fall upon the ground with you as a commoner in a heartbeat if it was up to him. Speaking of things he'd pick over anything else, playing board games with you has always been something that clears his mind. The way you angrily accuse him of cheating in a game of chess always makes him laugh. But he likes introverted things too. Reading books together and talking about theories, thinking of new strategies for any possible future battles together, cuddling together while you ramble about your day, having you do his hair while he talks about recent fights and you happily listen to them so you can imagine how he looked like fighting, helping him clean his armor in silence since he doesn't particularly enjoy recalling how it got so dirty. He just likes doing anything with you, from work to sparring to playing boardgames to watching snowflakes descend from the heavens, he adores it all and he takes pride in his love for you.

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