Oxidizer or Chlorine? Tips for Clear Hot Tubs OKC Water

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Keeping the water in clear has more than an aesthetic purpose; clean water is sanitary, contains fewer bacteria, and will help your spa run more effectively

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Keeping the water in clear has more than an aesthetic purpose; clean water is sanitary, contains fewer bacteria, and will help your spa run more effectively. As such, you may wonder what products are best to keep the water clear. In particular, you may want to learn more about oxidizers and chlorine.

Whyis Chlorine Added to Hot Tubs in Moore?

When the chemical chlorine is added to water, its dichlor granules latch on to unwanted organic materials, like bacteria and algae. This breaks down the cell walls, making them ineffective. The by-product of this chemical reaction is "chloramine."

If the balance between chlorine and chloramine is off, the hot tubs Oklahoma need to be shocked. You can determine if the balance is off by scent, water clarity, and test strips.

When Do You Need to Shock Hot Tubs Oklahoma?

You will need to shock the spa when there are too many chloramines. While these are a natural cleaning by-product, they leave a strong chemical scent. If your hot tub contains too many chloramines or bacteria, the sanitizer must work overtime (which makes it more difficult to keep the chlorine levels balanced).

If your hot tub starts to have a chemical aroma, and a chemical test strip shows that there is a higher percentage of chloramines than chlorine, it is time to shock the water.

HowDoes Oxidizer Keep Hot Tubs OKC Clean?

Oxidizer shocks the water. This non-chlorine shock treatment breaks down chloramines so they can act as chlorine and help in the sanitization process. In addition to this, they will break down other organics and contaminants, such as lotions, sweat, and ammonia.

What to Know Before Cleaning the Spa Water

Before adding any chemicals or shock treatments to hot tubs in Moore, it is essential to determine which products are best. If you are unsure, reach out to your hot tub supplier. At Bullfrog Spas OKC, we will help you select the best hot tub for your home and give you advice on cleaning and maintenance. Visit our or our locations to browse our selection.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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Oxidizer or Chlorine? Tips for Clear Hot Tubs OKC WaterWhere stories live. Discover now