Starting Over

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CLAMP owns CCS, and Amethyst Beloved owns Destined Love, along with Valentine Sweethearts, and White Day Darlings


Differences: The main characters in Amethyst Beloved's series are 17, while this here remaster will have them around their Clear Card ages to keep it parallel with the Clear Card continuity.

(Speaking of Clear Card, this series ignores the Clear Card storyline since Destined Love came out in 2002)


(...) = Person's thoughts

*...* = Actions & Effects

~...~ = Location

{...} = Time


Chapter I: Starting Over


Two years after his second departure from Japan, Syaoran Li returns once again. This time, it's permanent, and he rekindles his relationship with Sakura Kinomoto. Little did the two know that they will encounter new disturbances in Tomoeda.

{Sunday Morning}

~Kinomoto Residence~

*Clock alarm*

Sakura: *Suddenly wakes up* Oh. It's morning. *Turns off the alarm and stretches* This is gonna be a great day!


{Last Week}

A week after Syaoran returned, he and Sakura have been spending the entire week on how to rekindle their relationship. They finally thought of one for next week after being interrupted by a rainstorm.

Sakura: So much for having a picnic today.

Syaoran: Not many people enjoy having a picnic under the clouds. I'll tell you what; since Summer Break begins next week, we might as well have free time to start over.

Sakura: Sounds good to me.

*Flashback ends*


Sakura: *Rushing down the stairs* Coming! *Opens the door*

Opening the front door, she saw Syaoran standing on the porch, wearing a black long-sleeve shirt, and light brown pants. Sakura can't help but blush.

Syaoran: Aren't you going to let me in?

Sakura: *Snaps out of it* Uh, sure.

After letting Syaoran in, Sakura made chocolate chip pancakes for the two of them. They even started talking about their past adventures.

Syaoran: So, what else should we do?

Sakura: *Ponders for a moment* *!* Why don't we go to the boardwalk?

Syaoran: Okay. We could use some fresh air.


As they were walking around, Syaoran broke the silence.

Syaoran: Not sure if you noticed, but I heard Eriol is back from England.

Sakura: I've heard. Tomoyo told me.

Around a week before Syaoran returned, Eriol Hiiragizawa had returned from England. The reason being that Sakura was having difficulty with keeping her magic powers a secret from everyone else, as well as Syaoran's and Eriol's. So, Eriol decided to head back to Japan, so that he can watch over what Sakura will do next. At one point, he told Sakura to at least be wise when telling her secret to someone. Overtime, Eriol had become more open with people, but still kept his and Sakura's magic powers a secret. However, there was another reason that Sakura contacted Eriol: Tomoyo Daidouji.

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