The Wheeler's House

Start from the beginning

Will has been wanting to talk and chat with Mike a lot, but after what happened in the woods he just doesn't know how to start a
normal conversation! Will has been thinking so much about it, that he made himself think that Mike faked everything, so it wouldn't be awkward. But he has also been painting, not that it distracted him from Mike, because the painting is Mike, a very beautiful portrait of Mike..

Talking of which, Mike in the mean time is still looking for Will and went upstairs, he saw Will with Nancy a few weeks ago so maybe she'd know more, before he would have to check every single inch of the house. He knocks at the bedroom door

'Hey- it's Mike-! I wanna talk to' He gets interrupted

He hears the conversation inside the bedroom stopping and hears someone getting off the bed, the door opens. To Mike's surprise El opens the door with the same face as the time she dumped him for the first time, good that he cannot get "double-dumped"

'You want to apologize?' El asks

For a moment Mike had forgotten that El and him ever where a thing- but he remembers now, and he also remembers the answer to her question.

'What? No- Nono I'm here for Nancy, she's here right' Mike says as he looks behind Eleven

Eleven looks behind her, at Nancy sitting on the bed, Mike can see his sister too, then El looks back at Mike.

'No.' She says as she slams the door in his face
'What-!' Before he could even protest the door opens again
'I swear to god El-' Nancy says as she opens the door
'You needed something?' Nancy asks
'Uhm, yeah- yeah! I saw you talking to Will uhh- like a few weeks ago?'

Will in the room across the hallway can hear them, he's happy to hear that Mike's looking for him, but covers up his painting quick, he doesn't wanna seem like a stalker or obsessed person.

'Oh yeah I did, why you ask?' Nancy asks confused
'I'm looking for him, do you know where he is?' Mike looks across the hallway
'Yeah, he's in your room'
'My room.? Uh yeah okay thanks Nance' Mike says

he walks towards his room and opens the door to his bedroom.

'Will-!' Mike says louder than average

Will is still covering up his painting as Mike storms in, He even scared him a bit though Will knew Mike was coming.

'Jesus Mike-' he says as he laughs his shock away
'I-I uhm..'

Well shit, Mike didn't think this part through, what is he gonna say now?? They confessed their feelings to one another other weeks ago, then didn't talk at all for weeks, and now they're in Mike's room, where Will has apparently been in for 3 weeks. But what is Will holding? A cloth? He's covering something up- it's shaped as a canvas! Mike loved Will's last painting! What would he have painted this time? Mike closes the door behind him and tries to set up a normal conversation.

'What's that?' Mike asks with a smile
'Oh it's- nothing- just something to keep me busy, it's not big dea-' Will gets interrupted by Mike's enthusiasm
'Can I see it!!' Mike asks as he walks towards it
'No-! Wait- Mike-!!'

Mike walks towards the canvas and takes off the cloth, before he could even look at the painting Will pulled him back by his arm, took the cloth out of Mike's hand and threw it back over the painting with a scared look at it, now he look back at Mike, they're looking each other right in the eye for a moment, then Will let go of Mike's arm quick.

'It's not done yet-..' Will uses as an excuse
'Right- uhm okay! Sorry' Mike apologizes a distracted smile
'Did you.. need anything-?' Will asks as he sits down on Mike's bed
'Oh no uhm, I was just- you know uh.. never mind-' Mike says as he steps back
'Oh.. uhm okay!' Will says

Mike walks towards the door and grabs the doorknob, but he doesn't open the door. He's in his thoughts, he doesn't want to go, he literally doesn't has anywhere else to go to either- plus he wants to talk it out with Will, so

'Uhm..' Mike says, still looking at his hand on the doorknob.

Will looks up hopefully and with full attention

'I had this uhm, this argument, with uhm, Dustin and Lucas and.. I feel kinda-..'
'Bad?' Will asks with a smile
'Yeah..' Mike answers, also with a smile
'We can talk about it' Will offers

He moves away from the middle of Mike's bed and sits on one side to make room for him, Mike joins him and starts explaining and telling him everything.. about how he was triggered by Dustin, and that he actually felt guilty about it, Will listens to it all with full attention, interest and respect. When Mike is done after a while there follows this silence, Mike is relieved from all the guilt from the fight by opening his heart about it, he thinks about that the last time he was this open about his guilt and worries was with Will as well.

'Well, I think you could let it rest for a moment, and then maybe start a conversation with them again, especially with Dustin, but also with Lucas, to apologize' Will advices him
'Yeah.. but what if, what if I went too far this time..?' Mike worries
'Mike, you guys are best friends, you guys has been since forever! Yes you have crossed the line, I can't lie about that..-'

Mike listens to Will carefully, just like Will listened him, he's also looking at Will, he thinks about that Will is actually so.. pure and beautiful.. and caring and sweet..

'So trust me everything will be fine!'
'Wha- uh- yeah! Yeah thanks..'

'Is everything alright..?' Will asks
'..' Mike doesn't respond for a moment, he's about to change the subject
'Will I-..' Mike tries to start, but he just can't find his words
'..' Will waits patiently, he gives Mike his time
'I'm.. sorry..' Mike says
'..?' Will doesn't understand
'I should've.. I should've kept talking to you..! I thought maybe you needed space or something, I don't know, but I can't just leave you after all that..! and I got so distracted by the whole "move into my house thing" and the thing with my parents is taking over my mind..!! I just- I- I-I should've-..' 

Mike can't speak anymore, he can feel that his voice is about to crack, but he doesn't want to cry, he can't, anything but that right now.. he can't think..! He's panicking, he-..! he-..!

Will puts his hand on Mike's leg and holds it tight the second he realizes Mike is hyperventilating, Mike looks him in the eyes frightened, like he just woke up from a nightmare.

'..' Mike breathes heavily
'..yeah..?' He says
'It's okay' Will says calmly, with a trustworthy smile
'I should've reached out more too.! I mean it's not only you.. I could've at least came downstairs to eat with the rest..' Will says

Will let go of Mike's leg, he feels guilty now.. but Mike notices immediately, looks at him and says though Will looks away

'Hey.. hey! Will this is not your fault okay! You get that-!'
'But it's not yours either!' Will says as his voice cracks
'..' again Mike doesn't respond for a moment, but then he smirks

'Well then it's no one's fault right?' Mike says
'Tsh, yeah I guess' Will laughs

And like that they both laugh, they're finally able to start up a conversation again, and they actually chat a lot, and like that, they're alright again.

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