Transfer Student

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*Hyejin's P.O.V*

I was slowly getting ready as I dreaded starting a new school, this school is a boy's school, but they wanted to start to transition it for everyone to come. I am essentially the guinea pig to the school. I have to go in early to meet my homeroom teacher so he can talk to me and get to know me, and also explain what my classes have been working on.  

Once I got dressed I looked in the mirror and made sure that I looked somewhat presentable, but to me that never really happens.

Once I got dressed I looked in the mirror and made sure that I looked somewhat presentable, but to me that never really happens

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I walked past my parents as I walked out the door and made my way to school. Once I got there I made my way to the teacher's office.

I walked up to this woman and cleared my throat.

"Hello, how may I help you?" she asked sweetly.

"U-um... I-I'm looking for M-Mr. Ha..."

"Lee Hyejin?" A man on the other side said getting up. 

I slowly nodded gripping my bag. I noticed a boy sitting with him making me nervous.

"Come on over and we can discuss everything."

I slowly made my way over to them, when I got over there the boy got up out of the chair and offered it to me.

I smiled and slowly sat down.

"T-thank y-you."

"Now Hyejin, I am your homeroom teacher, and this is Doyoung he is your class representative. He will help you if you need anything. Now, since this is a boy's school for your dorm, there is a spare room with Doyoung and a few of your classmates. So before I come in, Doyoung will introduce you to the class before I get there since I have some things to do. Just make it a study hall since I will be late."

"Yes sir, come on Hyejin."

I got up and followed Doyoung, I noticed boys looking at me causing me to freak out a little.

"It's going to be okay Hyejin, we won't bite so there is no reason to be nervous. They may find it hard to accept you at first, but I'm sure they will come around."

I nodded and looked at the floor as we walked.

"You don't talk much do you?" he asked looking over at me.

I shook my head no. When we got to the class Doyoung told me to wait outside.

"Wait here, and then I'll signal for you to come and say something about yourself okay?"

I nodded as he left me in the hall all alone.

"So guys, we have a transfer student today that will be joining us. I want you to be nice and welcoming in for them," I heard him say.

"Of course Doyoung!" I heard a boy say.

I noticed Doyoung signal for me to in. I slowly made my way over to Doyoung and looked at the boys that were in their seats.

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