Andreas shut his eyes tight at the fear of being hurt any more. My heart constricted. Once his eyes were open, I was looking into them. A silent conversation passed between us as he nodded with a small sense of pride. A past memory between the two of us flashed before me.

"Dr L/N, as long as I am working on this project, I want you to know that if anything were to compromise it, I would lay down my life for it without a second thought," he had said out of the blue on the day we had gathered all the ingredients needed.

Back in the present, I understood what the nod signified. I made no show of responding, only turning to face the monstrous Harbinger.

"Oh? What an unexpected turn of events..." He smiled, showcasing a set of sharp teeth. "Do it."

A blade was slashed against his neck, and I suppose I should be thankful it was painless and quick. We were never close, we knew where our priorities lied. Our lives were dedicated to our occupations and whilst I knew he did have a family I never cared to ask to which he seemed completely fine with. Now that he was gone, I was the only one left. Which means they would have a hell of a time trying to get the answers out of me.

"Your turn!" Dottore smiled at me.

My Electro vision fizzled as the Agents made their move towards me. At this point, my care for the state of the lab was little to nothing. If I got out of this predicament alive, I'd have to relocate anyway.

I teleported from place to place, appearing behind and above the Agents. None anticipated my skill in combat and one by one they crumpled to the ground from the shock I sent them that paralysed their neurones temporarily.

My final target stood at the door, looking perplexed by my sudden burst of power.

"Useless idiots! All of you!" He yelled at the bodies littered around the lab. He groaned before laying his eyes upon me. "You're more interesting than I first anticipated. These worthless bastards have never once exceeded my expectations of them being utter disappointments."

"You didn't really expect me to just hand it over to you, did you? I mean, you can't even come in person. Are you truly so cowardly?"

He faltered. He tensed. His eyes slowly bore into mine as he lulled over what I just said.

"Excuse me?" His tone was venomously low. An edge of bloodlust was present.

Despite his threatening tone, I couldn't be stopped.

"You are nothing but a clone of the original. That says a lot about the prime Dottore."

"And how, pray tell, did you come to that conclusion?" His emotions were completely concealed.

"You are not breathing, your chest not moving. Not to mention the line on your neck that displays the assembled parts of your body."

He smirked. "Not many can discern the original from the clone. Even my own colleagues can't tell if it's truly me. You have now given me no choice."

I tensed. My fighting stance was back in motion. I pushed my legs to move as fast as possible. I could not give him a second of advantage. I had been exhausted already from the previous situation. He made no moves. This should've been unusual, however my thoughts were trained only to escape this lab. Just as I came within centimetres of him, the sound of clinking metal echoed around me.

It happened too fast. A chain. It slithered out from his sleeves and moved like a snake. Other chains followed. It lurched for my feet first, wrapping around tightly till I could feel the shape of the chains grooving into my leg. My legs were out of action so I resorted to using my knives. My vision would only conduct on the cold metal and hurt me back. It was out of the question.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن