✿ Sick YJH Au ✿

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Sick YJH Au.

• Modern Au.

• From Twitter : @041KMD8ZX51T9J9

Or " ♡ icy | semi la "

• This One Shot Story From Twitter Is So Beautiful and Cute so I Decide to share it..❁


Some of his fans mentioned how he look pale and tired and told him to take care of his self to which yjh think of nothing bc him?? sick?? he has not feelings ill for 7 years already , his immune system is doing it's job well and yjh puts his trust in them.

Almost 3 hrs into his stream, tears had already started to form in his eyes. yjh blink them away in an attempt to not let his fans take noticed but bc his eyes sting so much , he covers his face with both hands and rubbed his eyes gently to not irritate them.

His hand made contact with his forehead and yjh quickly realized that he was indeed sick. he really though that he was feeling feverish bc of the hot weather and later on when he start to fell chilly, he blamed the ac for it, not even the though of him being sick crossed his.

His chats were already being flooded with questions asking whether he was alright but none of it really registered on his mind bc all he can ever think about is calling his boyfriend to come home and take care of him.

It might not be obvious bc yjh is known to be proud for getting sick for almost decade but it's always been a dream of his to be taken care of Kim dokja. He threats his crazy immune system as a blessing and at the same time, a curse because bc it's doing it's job well and yjh doesn't get to take a break. but now that he has a chance,he's not going to let it go waste.

Yjh picks up his phone from his desk and starts ringing up kdj. he pushes the mic away from him so that his conservation with his lover would remain as a secret from his viewers.kdj picked.

up the call after 3 more rings and he greeted yjh warmly that it made the latter want to melt on his seat.

"joonghyuk-ah! hi! how are you? do you need something?"  kdj greeted and yjh heard some shuffling from the other line.

yjh fake a cough "dokja.. i'm sick," he says, his voice already hoarse.

the line went silent for a seconds before yjh finally heard some loud footsteps. "it's almost time to go home but i'm going to clock out early! have you already eaten and took some meds?"

yjh shook his head. "no.. i just found out that i'm sick and you don't need to do that love, your workload will just increase more tomorrow," with every work yjh says, his voice gradually becomes weaker and kdj took it as a sign that he's definetely not feeling well.

"nonsense! you're always there for me when i'm sick i want to do the same for you,"

a smile made it's way to yjh's lips and the viewers started spamming his chat again, leaving some starts (stream currency) for him.

"you're the best,i'll wait for you. i love you so ease don't rush yourself," the tenderness and love was evident based on how yjh talked and the expression on his face.

"yes, of course!! see u soon, love you too."

the call ended and yjh then continue with what he was doing just before. he acted as if nothing happend but his chat still kept spamming about what happend to which he completely ignored.

not even 30 mins after the call, the door to his game room burstead open and there in all of his glory, kim dokja apperead. he has a plastic bag on his hand where it has his meds, some store bought soup and some ingredients for soup while the other one  is his briefcase where.

he shoved his work that were still not finished.

"dokja.." yjh weakly called out his name, not taking in notice that he still has a mic on.

"ag, hyuk-ah! why are you streaming?! you should be in bed!!"

kdj approached yjh with an almost furious face before he gently touched yjh's forehead to which the latter nuzzles on and the chat could swear they heard something, almost like a purr that cats make when they're satisfied.

"i was waiting for you.."

yjh grabbed kdj's hand that was touching his forehead and just hold onto it.

"i appreciate that but you're sick, hyuk-ah, you should've took a rest."

yjh visibly frowns and his chat started to spam again about how he looks so angry when he frowns. but to kdj, his boyfriend.

look so adorable.

yjh's both arms made their way to kdj's waist and circled around it. he pulled kdj closer to him and buried his face around kdj's stomach before he finally started to nuzzling.

"come on big guy, let's go to our room."

kdj gently ran his hands through yjh's hair before gently taking off his headphone from him. yjh could only groan as his eyes were shut tight bc of how it feels like its burning.

with few more soft's paths from kdj, yjh finally stood up and started to walk out of the room although slowly. kdj stares at the screen monitor below him that's still turned on and made him realized that yjh left midstream. he thinks yjh ought give reason why he stopped.

streaming but his lover was too out for it and thinks that its his obligation to do so.

so he grabs the headphone that has a mic attached to it and started speaking.

"uhm hi!, hyuk-ah is sick right now so he has to stop streaming. he fell sick midstream that's why it wasn't prevented or the stream moved to another day. i hope you guys understand where i'm coming from because his health is my priority..

although he hasn't gotten sick for the last years but you'd understand where i'm coming from, yeah? hope you guys won't be mean to him when he comes back bc its not something he cant control⚊and that's all i wanted to say. thank you for supporting my boyf- i mean, joonghyuk-ah!"

kdj finally ended his ,,speech" and now all he needs to do is end the stream with single click. but he he has shitty eyes accumulated from yrs of having his phone shoved to his face, so he bends down making the chat finally see his face (his torso was the only one seen before).

chat goes absolutely bonkers bc holy fuck, who is this fine babe.

kdj's long straight eyelashes were visible along with his blemish-free face. the last thing the chat saw was   his sheepish smile before the stream finally ended.

kdj then went to their shared room where he saw yjh just on the bed instead of laying down. he helped yjh settle down who was grumbling how kdj should stay beside him to which kdj agreed to but only after he showers bc he came from outside.

when kdj got out of the bathroom, yjh was already fast asleep so he went to their kitchen to cook chicken soup for yjh while the store bought food was shoved inside the fridge.

kdj stayed beside yjh the whole time, making sure his temperature doesn't go higher from his current one and checking whether there's some discomfort in yjh's part.

safe to say yjh got what he wanted and he's more than happy to know that kdj's  taking of him so attentively and  gently.

𝓑𝓸𝓷𝓾𝓼 :

the next morning, yjh woke up with a regular temperature and his fever gone. he was not happy to know that kdj wont have a chance to take care of him anymore but kdj thinks that id yjh asks he wants some love, he'll do it willingly  and free of charge for his boyfriend.

- The End -

A/N : Hope You All Enjoy This One Shot Story..

(1344 Words)

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