Let's not tell our friends about it [2]

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Nancy woke up around eight, pushed the covers off of her, hit her alarm on the way to the bathroom, an alarm she clearly did not need anymore. Ever since her and Buckley fell into this routine. She was postponing telling their friends about her, but today was that day, today they made a joint decision to tell them. It was nothing but a struggle to get up this morning, brush her teeth and comb her hair, Robin liked them when they were wild, but today Robin had no say in that. Today Nancy was allowed to feel some kind of way, she was losing the peaceful moments she shared with Robin over the past few days.

It took Robin longer to climb the wall, took her a bit longer to crash through the window, took her even longer to face Nancy. Who was impatiently waiting for that moment, she was all dressed up, waiting for Robin's, good morning sunshine, once again the sun is jealous of your beauty. You look stunning.

"What's up with your hair?" Was what she got instead, she arched her eyebrows slightly, crossed her arms over her chest as if she was daring Robin to say more.

"So no good morning sunshine for me today? I felt like combing it, straight hair for a change." Robin shook her head as she stood up from her previous position by the window, Nancy feared this would happen. Throwing out words confidently while Robin was six feet away was easy, throwing them out when Robin was standing an inch away looking down at her with those precious blue eyes she learned to adore was harder.

"Good morning sunshine, do you know you look gorgeous with your hair like this, you could even be bold and I would still think you look absolutely dazzling." Nancy wondered where did Robin find that spectacular word, out of all the words she could have used, she used that one. She often wondered if they crossed the friendship borders, the way they looked at eachother, talked to eachother, took care of eachother, Robin brought her tea each morning. Of course she made it in Nancy's kitchen when all the family members cleared out and they were alone in the house. But still, the thought of Robin knowing exactly when the people will clear out, going down to prepare her a bowl of fruit and tea or toast and tea while Nancy was flipping pages through different books about ghosts and stuck souls for days now was something that warmed her heart. She got so used to it that she almost sat down behind the table again waiting for Robin to work her magic. Truth be told everything tasted better when Robin prepared it. Maybe it was the fact that Nancy would probably burnt the kitchen down if she tried to make something other than a sandwich. 

At first Nancy was annoyed, why on earth would Robin be showing up at her house every damn day now, but to say she minded it would be a lie. She hates to admit it, but most days she spinned her alarm backwards to early hours just so she could wait patiently for her favourite set of eyes to walk down the road.

"Is it weird that something inside me wants to keep you all to myself." Nancy whispered half hoping Robin wouldn't hear it and the other half desperately hoping that she would.

"Of course you do, have you seen me? I am amazing." She hit her shoulder playfully, Robin just let out a little laugh, before she stopped dead in her tracks to listen if the family was still around.

"Time for breakfast?" Was the question hanging in the air as Nancy moved to the door to walk with Robin.

"Oh, so this is how it's going down today? You following me around huh? If we are going to be this attached to the hip I might as well just sleep over at your place from now on."

"Stupid, you have to sleep in your comfortable bed at night. Safely in your house." Robin snorted, but said nothing about that topic which worried Nancy, but she just followed her to the kitchen quietly. Robin moved around like this was legit her house, like she knew every corner of the place, when Nancy was searching for something even her mom had a hard time finding in the kitchen, Robin just randomly opened the right drawer for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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