'And the kind of fate that you deserved.'

'In Kings Landing they rape girls of seven and they kill babe still attached to their mothers breast.' A worshipers called out.

'I wasn't there I don't beat children.' Sandor spat. Chama looked him over, curiously, there was something about this man, filled with anger and rage something broken inside of him. Kit stayed at her side, sitting obediently next to her.

'House Clegane was built upon dead children.' Thoros reminded him 'I saw them lay the princess and prince Rhegar on the iron throne.'

'do you take me for my brother? Is being a Clegane a crime?' Sandor questioned.

'Murder is a crime.' they shouted

'I never touched the Targaryen babies. I never saw them, never smelled them, never held them, never heard them crying.' Sandor told them 'if you want to cut my throat get on with it but don't call me murderer and pretend that you are not.' Chama opened her mouth to agree but arya shouted out, her little face spiteful.

'You murdered Mika.' arya shouted 'the butchers boy, my friend he was 12 years old and he was unarmed and you rode him down, you slung him over your horse like he was a deer!' arya shouted

'Aye he was a bleeder' Sandor remarked. Kit stood up at chamas side feeling the tension shift in the room but chama didn't flinch to kit stayed at her side.

'You do not deny killing the boy?' Beric asked incredulously.

'I was Joffreys sworn shield, the boy attacked the prince.' Sandor told him

'That's a lie!' Arya shouted 'I hit Joffrey, Mika just ran away.'

'Then I should've killed you.' Sandor told her 'it's not my place to question prince's.'

'You stand accused of murder,' Beric told him 'but no one knows the truth of the charge so it is not for us to judge you only the Lord of light can do that now.' Beric told him 'I sentence you to trial by combat.'

'So who will be?' Sandor asked 'find out if your fire god really loves you priest? Or are you not good with a sword in your hand. You perhaps pretty Red, you are probably braver then these cunts, but just as stupid for being with them.' Sandor looked to chama, she showed no expression just watched him belittle her friends. 'Or is a little girl the bravest one here?' sander questioned looking to arya.

'She might be.' Beric agreed 'but it is me you will fight.'

'really?' sandor questioned

'You kill me, you win.' Sandor looked the man up and down. 'you go free.'

'Lord cast your light upon us' Thoros said into the fire

'Cast your light upon us!' the rest echoed. arya glared her wicked gaze at sandor.

'Show us your truth.' Thoros said 'strike this man down if he is guilty and give strength to his sword if he is true Lord of light give us wisdom for the night is dark and full of terrors.'

'For the night is dark and full of terrors.' They repeated.

'the night is full of terrors.' Chama said smiling down to kit who bounced happily at her feet. Sandor prepared himself as thoros cut Beric's hand with a blade before handing it over to him, with his cut hand he ran his hand quickly along the blade setting in a flame.

'Ready? Three... two...' chama announced as the both got ready, she saw the fear in sandors eyes as he was transfixed by the fire. 'One...' she stepped back, and the men launched at each other.

Sandors confidence diminished as his shield caught fire, then his arm caught fire as he fought. But he kept going. slamming against him but beric came at him, flaming ball of steel coming at him. Sandor had to act quickly. Chama watched beric was good at dying but he was also a good fighter. Apparently not as good as sandor though.

Killing beric, sandor fell putting out the fire patting down his burning sleeve. As Sandor took down beric, beric died in front of them, thoros ran to his side. He began chanting into the fire, over berics dead body.

When beric dropped dying thoros rushed to his sandor looked to chama she didnt seem fazed or concerned at all. Instead her eyes left a dying beric and she looked to sandor a smug grin on her face. Sandor squinted at her past the fire. Surely she wasnt happy about this.

'lord cast your light upon your servant bring him back from death and darkness his flame has been extinguished don't let him die!' thoros prayed over beric, beric lay dead on the ground.

'looks like their god likes me more than your butchers boy.' Sandor said clutching his arm.

'burn in hell!' arya yelled, gendry had to use all his strength to hold back arya, vengeance in her eyes.

'he will... but not today.' Beric was lifted his head from the ground, sitting up clearly alive. The blow sandor delivered should have been fatal. Should have killed him. Arya stopped pulling at Gendry, stopped trying to attack sandor. He looked to the man.

'Youve been killed by both cleganes now beric.' chama reminded him

'Yes. Both were a pain in the ass.' Beric remarked as she helped him up.

'What the fuck?' Sandor grumbled

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