sarawattine - puzzled

Start from the beginning

Now it was up to Tine: either he purposely loses all his senses, to survive being in the presence of Sarawat without having an internal nervous breakdown because of how hot he is, or he simply finds an outlet, to release all his dirty thoughts.

If Tine told Sarawat, he would probably tease him endlessly, and his already humongous ego would grow even bigger. But then again, he loved Sarawat, ginormous ego and all, and wanted to share all his emotions with him.

That's what Tine decided to do, once his emotions and thoughts about his boyfriend's physical appearance got too much.

"Tine?" Type whispers and waves his hand in front of Tine's face, as they were at a family dinner, and it was quite rude not to pay attention to what his elders were saying, no matter if it interested him or not, Type would say.

Sarawat, who sat to Tine's right, didn't have time to notice Tine's mental absence, as he himself was fully engaged in a conversation with Tine's mom about his band, Ctrl S, telling her how Tine inspired the name, et cetera.

Man, sat to Type's left, was just as lost as Tine was, probably aching just to pull out his phone and scroll through Instagram.

But there it was, that longing Tine felt...

The physical attraction he felt towards Sarawat, which was hidden deep inside Tine's mind, and provoked by Man and his perverted mind as well as his lack of a filter when investigating Sarawat and Tine's sex life through interviewing them in front of their whole friend group.

Tine dared to look at Sarawat, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to take his eyes off him again.

God damn... Sarawat's side profile was actually unfair. Models couldn't even look that perfect! Tine knows Sarawat could be the next Calvin Klein model, and he feels his pants tighten at the thought of a half-naked Sarawat.

Tine's thoughts were really becoming sinful as his boyfriend puts a hand on his thigh, startling him so much that Tine choked on his own spit while he felt his dick twitch, Sarawat and the whole table's attention on him now.


"Tine? Are you alright, Love?" His mom asked him, and Tine had to bite his lip hard to stop himself from making a horrible excuse and getting Sarawat and him up the stairs and into the bedroom ASAP.

"Y-yes, Mom... W-why - um - w-what were you asking me about?" Tine asked, stuttering and stumbling over his words because he still felt Sarawat's intense gaze on him. God, this was embarrassing... Tine felt like he was back in High School, with some crush that got him blushing with the smallest actions.

"I was asking how you liked the food today, which Sarawat's Mom and I prepared?" Okay, nice, easy question. You got this, Tine...

"Um, i-it was great, Mum. I loved the dessert..." Tine said, meaning another dessert he has yet to enjoy; Saaaaaarawaaaaattt.

Tine continues letting his eyes wander as soon as their Moms avert their gazes.

Tine started on Sarawat's sharp and angular jawline, eyes slowly trailing downwards to the collar of the white button-down Sarawat wore, buttons done up this afternoon by no other than Tine.

Tine remembered how hard it was to focus on pushing a tiny button through an even tinier slit when a literal god was standing in front of him, eyeing himself up in the mirror, thankfully not noticing Tine's very much suspicious behavior and not teasing him about it either.

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