Dating A Vigilante Headcanons

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- You grew up hearing stories about the Union, but quickly realized that you could do more on your own

- The Union didn't like you, but as long as you kept from murdering people, they pretty much left you alone.

- I'm thinking like, Daredevil or Batman sorta vibes

- It was on one of your nights crime fighting that you met Brandon.

- (Later, once you were in a relationship, you would have very different stories about who saved who)

- But after the fight, and after Brandon brought the supervillain to the Supermax, he couldn't stop thinking about you

- With his powers it would be easy to figure out your secret identity. But he mostly only interacted with you in vigilante-mode at first. Not wanted to spook, or seem like a stalker

- He would try to convince you to join the Union, after that didn't work, he started joining you on patrol.

- It worked out pretty well. You both could make sure the other was safe, and you guys got to spend time together.

- Which lead to feelings, which led to awkward confessions, which led to a relationship

- At that point you trusted him to be around him in civilian-mode

- He was far too famous for public dates, so you mostly hung out at your apartment

- He loved the domesticity that came with it, the ability to relax and be his own person

- You were much better at him about keeping your crime fighting life and normal life separate,and he eventually learned some of those skills

- Sometimes there would be fights, generally about his father and the Union, but you understood where he was coming from, and knew he was trying his best.

- His parents didn't quite approve at first (although his sister warmed up to you quicker than anyone expected) but once his mom realized how happy you made Brandon, she made the Utopian go along with it.

- All in all, you defend each other and understand each other

- He's your safe space, and you're his.

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