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I anonymously sent out the evidence to the police hoping that they would attend to the matter as soon as possible.

I hoped to see the news in the front cover of newspapers, magazines, blogs headlines, or preferably listen to it on the television or radio the next day, but that wasn't the reality.

I sent an email to the police asking why it hasn't been published immediately, but nothing positive was heard from there.

They said such matter is sensitive and is a matter of national security. They claimed that it will fall back on the police if the information turns out to be fake.

I threatened them to release the evidence on the internet this night if they don't release it by them.

They asked to know who I am, and what my motive is for sending them such sensitive information.

"It is simple, the criminals has to be apprehended; that way the dead could rest in peace" I told them.

"Who are you, and who is the dead" constant Justine asked.

I told them about Mrs Mark; I didn't know if it was the right thing, telling them about her without Kylie's permission.

"I am doing this for her" I thought.

I recalled back that the police didn't know about Mrs Mark's Mission; there was an agreement that she has to stay anonymous until her mission is over.

I felt like she deserves to be recognized and appreciated for a Job well done; if not for her diligence and hardwork we won't have gotten a hold of these evidences.

"Who is Mrs Mark" Detective Justine asked.

I told them about her, although they didn't recognize her; that evening I received an call from an officer informing me that my presence is needed in the station.

That isn't my plan, I told them to do the right thing; they promised to investigate the matter.

It turned out that they went through their files and discovered Mrs Mark's profile, but in the list of quit candidates.

Mrs Mark's old boss's are now sitting in high position;  Mr Tim is the director of police, while Bello is currently the commissioner of police.

They were promoted each time they solved a big case with the help of Mrs Mark.

It is funny how the two never showed up to her house since her death. It feels very strange to me; the fact that they used her annoys me very much.

Two days later and the information wasn't still released, and the evil men were still looming round the state. I sent an email to Mr Tim and Bello, and this time Bello replied. He had the enfontery to tell me that the men is very powerful and that we should let the sleeping dog lie.

I was very angry; I called Aunty benita and told her to take Kylie and gift out of the state. I was scared that they might play a game at me with the health of my loved ones.

The next day some me  came to my hotel room; I peeped through the hotel window and saw strange cars packed there.

I knew immediately that I have been tracked down, so I searched for a way to hide for the mean time.

I called Aunty benita to be sure he did what I asked of him; she too advices me to just release the tapes and allow the public to do their work. She didn't want me to pursue those evil men, for fear that they might hurt me.

"I don't want Kylie to loose another loved one" she said.

I understood her point, but then I am doing this for Kylie, as much as for the state entirely. Those evil men doesn't deserve to be walking safely in the country, while the poor keep hiding in terror and fear.

I called the police back with a stranger's number and told them that they had done their worst and now it is my turn.

They said they didn't tell anyone about me.

"So how comes these men are in front of my house" I asked them.

They said that it is true that they recorded our call and even investigated my number and home, but then the findings haven't been sent over to them yet.

I came out to the reception and saw two of the men approach the receptionist table; the other two walked towards the elevator, four went towards the stairs, two at the door, while the remaining stood beside their car.

I knew that they must know my face too since they knew to come here; I switched my cloth into the janitor's attire. Then I walked past the first set of guys, then I changed into a female cloth and cat walk out of the hotel like a gay.

I got to the front door, looked well and saw the  guys arranged to catch a so called thief. I played my path, and even blew a kiss to one of them. I saw one standing by the side, and I figured to act a small drama; I walked close to him, and then spoke softly to him, then I slapped his butt. He looked  at me, rather confused; I collected his phone from his hand and dialed a number into it, then I told him to call me.

I walked out; I knew I left him wondering what just went on there, but that was my plan. His colleagues came to him and asked what that was all about, but he couldn't speak.

I stopped a taxi to go, but before climbing into the car, I looked at him and waved him goodbye, but told him to call me.

Then the taxi drove off; half way I stopped and came off the car.

I targeted the guy because he looked like their leader and I felt he will be a link to the bad guys since the police didn't see my evidence substantial enough to pull the guys down

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