Chapter 12: Dragons!

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When you opened your eyes you saw a starry sky, indicating that you were sleeping without a roof overhead. You heard the crackling of a fire some metres away and you turned your head, only to see a comfortable fire burning and a person sitting next to it. You sat up and stretched your back, as sleeping on the rocky ground wasn't good for your body. 'Ah, you're finally awake,' said the person, who then got up to check up on you. As the person got closer you could make out more features. The person was a girl, with short, blue hair and a long ponytail at the back of her head. From her hair two black and red horns curled backwards over her head. She wore a sleeveless, skintight suit with gold detailing that was covered by additional pieces of white cloth, which were detailed with gold too. 'How long was I out? Where am I?' you asked her. 'Since we've found you, about 8 hours ago, you've been sleeping ever since. Also you're on the Demon Continent,' the blue haired girl answered your questions. 'Wait, we? Demon Continent?' you asked with even more confusion, now mixed with panic. 'My friend is getting food for us at the moment, but he'll be back any moment for now. As for the Demon Continent, it's the North Eastern Continent on any world map,' she told you. That's when a tall man started walking down the hill to you two, dragging a large animal behind him. When he was with you you saw that he was 185 cm tall, just a little smaller than you, and he had short, white hair with two red horns protruding straight up from his forehead. His long hair was tied into a low ponytail on the back of his head and he had two straight, red markings across his eyes and these markings were visible on his bare torso too. He wore a long, dark purple trenchcoat with very short sleeves that was beige and white on the inside with black trimmings. He wore a belt with an oni mask as buckle and grey, black and red pants underneath with black and red greaves that covered his lower legs. His feet were in black painted geta shoes and purple socks that left his toes and heel bare. On the geta were spiked straps and the male also wore spiked bracers that covered half of his lower arm. He also wore a large rope bow on his back made from purple and white thread. On his shoulder rested a large black club with yellow markings and spikes. 'Ganyu, I got our early breakfast!' he said as he handed the his prey, which was apparently a humongous wolf like creature, over to the blue haired girl. 'Itto, our guest is finally awake, as you can see,' said the girl, now known as Ganyu, to the male, who goes by the name of Itto. 'I see. Hello, my dude, what's your name?' the tall man asked you. You introduced yourself to them and held out your hand. Ganyu shook it first, while Itto shook you by your wrist. His grip was strong, that much was apparent. You then asked for the planning for the rest of the night. 'Well, first we'll eat when Ganyu is ready with prepping the food and then we'll sleep. One of us will have guard duty and we switch every three hours. When trouble comes, you wake the rest up,' Itto told you all and you and Ganyu nodded in confirmation. Ganyu took out a big knife and carved off a couple of chunks of meat from the dead beast and roasted it above the campfire. The fat of the meat dripped into the fire, fuelling it more, while the delicious smell of roasted meat entered your nose and you began salivating. It's only at this moment that you realized that you hadn't eaten like at all.

'Oh yeah, you might want to check up on your egg over yonder,' the horned make said to you while pointing towards his left. There you saw the rock that you had with you on your first day. It was still black with purple spots, but now glowing, purple cracks formed and they seemed to become bigger and spreading. You sensed that the spiritual energy of the egg was enormous and powerful, even though it was so small. You stood up and sat down closer to the rock-like egg. 'Man I never thought that I would see an Ender Dragon be born in my lifetime, let alone in my sight,' the big Oni said with a grin on his face, 'I bet they would sell for a lot on the black market.' 'We're not selling it!' you practically yelled and your hand went towards your sword's grip. 'Calm down man, I was only joking around,' Itto said with his hands up as if he was surrendering. 'Boys, calm down,' said the blue haired girlgirl trying to diffuse the situation, 'the food's ready.' You took a deep breath and took the egg closer to the fire, so that the heat might help it hatch faster and that the creature coming out of it, would directly be in your sight and also you could directly feed it. As you sat down Ganyu gave you a chunk of meat and you thanked her. You took a bite out of it and chewed it slowly, savoring the delicious taste of the roasted meat and Itto followed suit. 'Damn Ganyu, your cooking skills are out of this world!' you complemented the horned girl, causing her to blush a bit. 'T-thanks,' she said shyly. 'What are you doing here, actually? It's kinda rare to find an ardoni so far out,' Itto asked you. You then explained to them that you ran away from your home village and eventually ended up in the Asura Kingdom and lived there until the Mana Catalysm. '...and next thing I knew I woke up here, and you know the rest,' you concluded your story. And as if on cue, the egg bursted open and a small black lizard, the size of a normal house cat, crawled out. It had small horns protruding from the back of its head and amethyst eyes. A line of small bumps came from its back and continued till the tip of its tail. The end of it was dark grey and hard. Also two black wings came from its back. It looked at you and tilted its head. You held out your hand and said silently, as to not scare the little creature off, 'Ganyu, some meat please'. She gave it to you and you held it forward towards the little dragon. The creature came forward and sniffed it, before taking a bite, before devouring the whole chunk in a matter of seconds. You then reached out your hand and the young dragon nuzzled against it, you then started scratching and the lizard began purring (A/N: Does someone know the reptilian equivalent of purring?) and flopped onto its back. You then started giving it belly rubs. You then looked between the legs and saw it was a boy. 'You two seemed to have started of on the right foot. What will its name be?' asked Ganyu. 'Yeah, it seems like we have, huh? And it is a he. And I decided to name it Abaddon,' you said. 'That's a hell of a cool name man. I think it's a perfect name for a dragon,' Itto said. 'I think it's a nice name too,' Ganyu said. 'Glad to see that y'all like it,' you said and you fell backwards as the little dragon seemed to have pounced on you and started licking your face. 'Hahaha, hey, calm down boy!' you said as you lifted Abaddon off of you and sat him in your lap, while stroking his midnight black scales. 'He seems to like his name too,' Ganyu said with a smile. 'He indeed does, doesn't he?' you said. 'I'll take first watch, you two get some shut-eye,' Itto practically ordered you. 'Yes, goodnight Ganyu,' you said, 'Goodnight Itto.' They both wished you goodnight as well. You wrapped your cape around you, only to feel movement coming from your legs up onto your torso and a little dragon head popped out of your collar and in front of your face. Abaddon nuzzled himself against you and y'all fell asleep. Except for Itto as he had to keep watch.

A/N: Yeah, another chapter done! Sorry for the wait, though.
So, you've got a baby dragon now! And you've met some new people. And yes they're both Ganyu and Itto from Genshin Impact. Anyway, let me know what you guys think.

Also, I wanna say that you guys are absolutely amazing! I could've never dreamed of the fact that this book has more than 4.5k reads! So I want to thank you all for that.
Support and criticism are always welcome and as always laterrrrrrrr - Dodominic2021

The reincarnated Demon (Male Mendoris Reader x Mushoku Tensei) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα