Underneath The Rain

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Eddie & OC

Warnings : Mentions of parental abuse, mostly calm and comforting vibes, Eddie being a good "friend"


It had been a few hours since the raining started outside.

During the drawn out process of switching classes throughout the day, the skies never let up in the pounding droplets that rattled the roof of Hawkins High.

I was starting to worry about whether or not it would clear up by the time school hours ended. Walking home a good three miles under this weather would be massively inconvenient for me all things considered. It was also Friday, so prolonging my departure from this place would ruin my mood entirely.

"Hey! Pssst. Winnie!" I heard a hurried whisper call my name from behind me followed by a pencil being thrown at the back of my head.

I whipped around after the impact to see Eddie with a hand over his mouth stifling a laugh.

"You idiot, what!?" I whisper yelled at him and he leaned forward over his desk until we were only a few inches away from each other.

"Band practice is cancelled today. So if you want, we can hangout? You got a ride home?" He asked excitedly and I shook my head.

"No, I walk usually but...I don't think the storm is gonna ease up anytime soon." I explained and he hummed before grinning charmingly.

"Well then, your chariot awaits after school m'lady." His voice was so quiet and close that a blush rose on my cheeks as he spoke. It only pulled my attention more to his lips. I shook away the fluttering in my stomach and turned back around to continue writing notes from the board.

About half an hour later class had finally ended for the day to which I nearly fell to my knees in relief for. The lectures were especially grueling on rainy days but most of the time I'd pull out my Walkman and listen to music with my hoodie up to hide that I wasn't paying attention.

I walked over to my locker through the crowds of students rushing out through the halls towards the parking lot. Most of them with umbrellas or jackets hanging over their heads.

I spun the combination in when I felt a loud metal thud next to me. When I looked over I realized it was only Eddie that nearly slipped on the wet floor from the water that had collected at the shoes of everyone that passed by.

"Jesus Eddie, you're gonna end up breaking something if you don't watch where you're going." I chuckled a little as he brushed himself off. He looked at himself from head to toe before smirking up at me.

"Hmm, looks like I'm all in one piece sweetheart."
He gestured towards himself winking and I rolled my eyes to hide the smile that was threatening to peak through.

"What are we doing anyway?"
I asked as I collected my books and dropped them inside of my backpack.

"Well I was thinking we could stop by and visit Steve 'the hair' Harrington over at the VHS store, pick up a couple of horror movies and binge watch all of them to our hearts content over a bowl of cheese puffs and a six pack." I hummed enticed by his plan.

"Sounds good to me." I agreed and he nodded.

"It'll be a great weekend too cause my uncles' doing a job out of town which means I'll have the trailer all to myself." He bragged as I shut my locker snapping the combination lock back on. We both continued to walk slowly side by side towards his car.

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