Issei: "Th-There are other devils in this school?!"

One of the student council starts speaking.

Saji: "Rias-senpai, you didn't tell him about us? It's strange he wouldn't notice fellow devils, though."

Sona: "Saji, the two families do not meddle in each other's affairs. It's no surprise that Hyoudou-kun is unaware."

(Y/N): "Aren't you the one who just joined the student council as the secretary?" 

Sona: "Yes, he's Saji Genshirou, my pawn."

Rias brought up her hand presenting us.

Rias: "This is my pawn, Hyoudou Issei, and this is my bishop, Asia Argento. This is (Y/N) (L/N) he isn't in my peerage, but he is just as important."

(Y/N): "Sup."

Issei looks at Saji when he hears he's also a pawn.

Issei: "Oh, you're a pawn too? And we're also in the same grade!"

Saji: "I must say that being the same piece as on of the perverted trio seriously hurts my pride."

Issei: "What did you say, bastard?!"

(Y/N): "Calm down, Issei."

Saji: "You want to fight? I just became a devil, but I'm a pawn that was worth four pieces!"

Sona: "Saji, don't. Also, he was worth eight pieces."

Saji: "Eight? Isn't that all of them?! I cant believe it. A lame guy like this-"

(Y/N): "Sona you should seriously him some manners."

Saji: "Hey don't talk to her so casually!"

Sona: "Apologies for that, he's a new to being a devil, so please try to get along with him. Saji."

Saji: "Yes, ma'am. Please to meet you."

He went brought out his hand for a handshake. Asia came over and took it.

Asia: "Please to meet you too!"

Saji suddenly did a whole 180 and put his other hand on top.

Saji: "To be with a cutie like you, the pleasure is all mine!"

Issei seeing this god annoyed and jumped in-between the two and took Saji's hand crushing it in a handshake. 

Issei: "Saji-kun, nice to meet you! I mean, I'll really kill you if you lay your hands on Asia, Saji-kun!"

while this was happening Rias and Sona spoke to eachother.

Rias: "You must be having a rough time."

Sona: "Same goes for you."

Rias: "Not so bad with (Y/N) here."

(Y/N): "Knock it off, Issei."

Issei did a clicked his mouth and let go of Saji's hand. I went over and held out my hand for a shake.

(Y/N): "Nice to meet you."

He took my hand.

Saji: "The sa-"

He then yanked his hand away.

Sona: "Saji?"

Saji: "I-I felt very uncomfortable when I shook his hand."

Sona looked over at Rias with a questioning look.

Rias: *sigh* "We were going to tell them eventually."

(Y/N): "It's fine to tell them, I don't think it cause anything."

Sona: "Tell us what?"

Rias: "The man you see here is, (Y/N) or known as Adam in the Bible, The first human god created."

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