Chapter 1

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I wake up on a couch and I'm surrounded by We The Kings. I nearly pass out again, but right before I did Charles said, "She's awake!" Travis said in his sweet soft voice, "Are you okay sweetie? You had us scared there when you fainted." I replied, "Yes I'm fine Travis thanks for asking." He stated back, "Anytime doll." After a few minutes of random chat I asked, "Do you guys know where my Mom went? I'm pretty sure she was next to me before I fainted." As soon as I said that it became dead silent. After a few seconds of awkward seconds of silent Danny said, "Ummmmm......she said she had to go, but she doesn't know when she'll be back. Now lay down for a little bit and get some rest. You still look a little pale." I just reply faintly and said, "Okay."

-few hours later-

So I wake up a few hours later with a massive headache. Yet I realize I'm no longer on a couch. I'm on a bus. I don't know what to think, 100's of things go through my head. Once the headache kinda goes away. I then head towards the front of the bus. When I get there I see Charles, Danny, Travis, Coley, and Hunter. There is someone else.....a cop. I'm told to sit down.

Once I get settled the cop asked me where I live, my name, the normal stuff. After he is done asking me thus stuff I ask, "What's going on here?" Then came that awkward silence again. Then Travis finally broke it, "Your Mom dashed as soon as you passed out. We don't know why, but while you were sleeping we found out some news. She died in a major car crash, I'm so sorry Bethany." Tears slowly filled my eyes. Then out of no where I ran. I ran out the bus letting my feet take me anywhere. I hear my name being called behind me I just ignore it. I then stop out of nowhere. I can't move. I then see lights coming at me.

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