Time Goes By So Slowly

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Some stuff regarding Eddie's medical care may be extremely inaccurate

Richie's phone was blowing up and he knew that. His parents were trying to get a hold of him, his children were trying to contact him, their mother was trying to talk with him, his manager was trying to reach him and that's why he'd turned the phone off. Bill was going to be back any minute with Eddie's children and Richie didn't even know if he could look at them given he'd just screamed his head off because Eddie had flatlined in surgery a few minutes ago. He was fine now, though, the doctors had stabilized him but knowing that there was a moment where Eddie had died was tearing Richie apart from the inside out and he didn't know if he could look Eddie's children in the eye and lie to them about why their dad was there. All three looked like their father but none more than the youngest Bertie.

As soon as they arrive into their private waiting room, Richie feels as though he should leave. He feels as though its his fault that Eddie is in the hospital in the first place. Bill is pushing Bertie's stroller while Eliza carries the toddler along with carrying his diaper bag. Eliza's in denim jeans and a tank top with one of her fathers jackets on in the colour green. Frank is in red shorts and a white t-shirt while Bertie is in light brown dungarees and a stripey orange and white t-shirt. His hair is a wild mess of curls signalling that he hasn't long woken up and he rubs his eyes with a small yawn as his sister places him down on a chair, which he is too small for as his feet don't even dangle over the edge.

"What happened?" Richie hears Eliza ask him, considering he was the only one she somewhat knew.

"Don't bother asking him." Stanley sighs and the three children look at him." He's been mute for hours. Our dear Trashmouth has gone silent."

"There was an accident." Beverly says, grabbing the kids attention. The red head clears her throat and looks at Eliza, who looks on the verge of breaking point." Well...not really. The guy who attacked your dad earlier tried to attack Richie, but your dad saved Richie's life and got impaled right through his chest."

It's a lie, all the losers know that. But it's a great lie as the three believe it straight away. Beverly had always been a good liar. Like the times she lied smoothly to Miss Coates in the convenience store while Richie shop lifted vodka and cigarettes when they were 15. She had mastered the art of lying long before then and Richie was often grateful that she had the skills.

"Where is daddy?" Bertie asks innocently and tiredly. He kneels up a little on his seat and rubs his eyes again.

"He's in a room sleeping, Bertie." Ben says and he smiles reassuringly at the two year old, who smiles back before he turns to his sister and says," pacifier" with a yawn. Eliza gives him a small yellow pacifier with a dinosaur on it and Bertie places it into his mouth before curling up on the chair. The chair directly beside Richie, who focuses his attention onto the blank white wall.

It's calm for a few hours. They get breakfast from the dining hall and it's somewhat edible. Bertie naps for around four hours, but it's the minute he wakes up that the storm starts. A storm Frank calls 'storm Bertie'.

"I wanna see daddy!" Bertie whines as he wakes up from his nap in his stroller. He's irritable and it's very obvious.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Mike says and Beverly nods with agreement." He doesn't even look like Eddie right now and he's on so many machines-

"I wan my daddy!" Bertie states and he starts crying. That starts the domino effect of 'storm Bertie' and a huge tantrum that Eliza struggles to calm down.

"He hasn't seen him properly for a few days." Eliza apologises as she eventually calms him down. Bertie whimpers in her arms as he presses his face into her shoulder." He will kick up a fuss again...please just let him see our dad."

10 Reasons not to bring your kids with you when you go to fight a space demonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora