Chapter 2

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In fact, he left the crew. Wilbur didn't want to be a pirate. He didn't want to terrorize people and steal. Wilbur was actually extraordinarily terrible at using a sword. Even more so a gun. Wilbur wasn't good at fighting. He was better with his words. So, a week after his 21 birthdays, he snuck off the ship while at a port. He then wandered for a bit. He started to play music and he got money that way. He told stories and tales of his adventures with his pirate family. Tho he never told anyone the actual names. He would travel on a merchant ship and go from place to place. He'd preform earn money and then sail.

When your born on the water you want to stay on the water. Not being on a ship made Wilbur feel weird, almost sick. Not having the ground beneath his rocking slightly was strange. So, Wilbur traveled with a merchant ship. He helped out quite a bit to. Not a lot of people could read stars and their star reader got seasick pretty bad. So, Wilbur will help read the stars when the person is in their cabin throwing up. Wilbur had written a couple of books in the 4 years that he's left his ship. They became really popular books. Fiction was a fairly new thing people started writing. But it was also really popular so when Wilbur wrote and published his book everyone loved it. It was a tales of a boy on a pirate ship and different adventures he'd go on.

No one knew or thought that the boy was Wilbur nor that this actually happened. No one would think that a pirate crew could go against an army of the undead and live in real life but obviously they hadn't meet Technoblade nor Philza. Then again, most people were pining for their deaths. To have then hanged along with the rest of the pirate crew. Wilbur doesn't think he's met a single person who doesn't want them dead. Wilbur was snapped out of thought as he heard the creak of his door. He turned and looked to see Tubbo poking his head in shyly. "H-hey" Tubbo squeaked.

Wilbur smiled. "Come on in. I'm not going to bite" Wilbur said jokingly. Tubbo laughed awkwardly as he slipped in and shut the door. Wilbur walked behind his desk. "Do you want to be able to read words, stars, or maps first" Wilbur asked bending down grabbing a map off the ground. "Words" Tubbo nearly shouted. He quickly covered him mouth as he worried, he was too loud. Wilbur looked up at him with a smile. "Um words please" Tubbo said in a normal volume. Wilbur snickered. He put the map away and pulled out a place sheet or parchment. He grabbed his ink and quill. He started to scribble down the Alphabet. He put his quill back in the quill holder. 

He looked up at Tubbo. Tubbo was just standing there watching Wilbur. "Come sit down" Wilbur said and pat the chair. "O-okay" Tubbo said and walked over to the desk. He went around and sat in his chair. "We'll start off with the basic. Teach you the letter's" Wilbur said. He smiled down at Tubbo. Wilbur started to teach Tubbo. Three hours into the lesson and Wilbur was pulled out to see if they were going the right way. Wilbur returned and continued teaching him. Tubbo was actually a quick learner. Most people would take days to remember the Alphabet. Tubbo only took five hours. 

Wilbur was standing in his empty cabin. He sent Tubbo to bed just a little while ago and was now preparing to retire for the night as well. Wilbur changed into comfy clothes he can sleep in. Being raised as a pirate they didn't have pajamas or sleep attire. They had to be ready to jump out of bed at any time. If there's another pirate ship, merchant ship, or naval ship nearby they'd have to have all hands-on deck. Wilbur didn't actually figure out sleep attire was a think till a little after he left the pirates. Wilbur says pirates but it doesn't feel right. It's more of family that he didn't belong in. Wilbur blew out most of the candles. He walked over to his bed and pulled the covers over him. He leaned forward and blew out the candle making it pitch black.

Wilbur was hovering over his desk and next to his chair. Tubbo sat in his chair poring over a peice of parchment. It was a bunch of simple words. two to three letter words. There was the one four letter word, but it was fine. He was having Tubbo sound out the word and say the word. He always got really excited when he got a word right. It was cute seeing his little praise and celebrations before he moved onto the next word. Once he finished the page about three times Wilbur would give him a new page of small words that he had written down. First Tubbo would go down the page. Then random words Wilbur pointed at and then up the page.

As Tubbo was finishing up the last page Wilbur had laid in front of him, Wilbur was writing on a peice of parchment with his quill. Tubbo finished the words. "Done" Tubbo said happily with a smile on his face. "Good" Wilbur praised. Tubbo's smile widened. Wilbur took the paper in front of Tubbo and replaced it with a new paper. This had much less words on it, but they were still simple words. "Kay read that out" Wilbur said. "S-sa-mm. s-at. byy. tuh. seeea" Tubbo read out loud. "Kay try it again but try and do it a little quicker" Wilbur said. Tubbo looked at Wilbur confused but then looked back at the parchment. "s-saam. saat, by. tha. sea" Tubbo said. "Kay try it again" Wilbur said. "S-am. sat. by ta. sea" Tubbo said. "You're still turning you're the into tuh and da" Wilbur said. "Oh sorry. Sam. Sat. By. The. Sea" Tubbo said struggling a bit.

Wilbur smiled. "There you go you've got the words down. Now try saying them faster and without breaks" Wilbur said. Tubbo was a bit confused. "Okay then. Sam sat. By the. Sea" Tubbo said. "Try again" Wilbur said. Tubbo looked at Wilbur with a confused expression. I don't get what you're trying to get me to do" Tubbo said. "I'm trying to get you to form a sentence" Wilbur said. "Oh" Tubbo said looking back at the parchment. "Sam sat by. the sea" Tubbo said. "You're getting better try again" Wilbur said praising him. Tubbo smiled. "Sam sat by tuh sea" Tubbo said. "Very good but it needs to be the not tuh. try it again one more time" Wilbur said. 

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