The 'Girl' Who lived?

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Third Person POV

Halloween 1981

'Prongs! Get down here and look at them! How adorable!' Lily Potter called to her best friend. Cass Thorne sat with the babies, Harry and Mady, bouncing them on her legs.

The two toddlers were dressed as their parents Animagus', little Harry, a stag, and Mady a snake.

The two were like siblings, Mady just a few months older, but their moms were like sisters raising their children.

James appeared in the kitchen in animagus form, prancing up to his son. Cass placed Harry on him, and let her daughter ride him as well.

"Where's Pads?" Cass called out to his boyfriend. Remus didn't answer.

"Dont worry about it Cassi, I think Remus went to buy more candy for the trick-or-treaters." James said, holding the babes as a human.

She nodded and looked outside, into the darkness. She watched lily pull her red hair back into a bun, before she took a long sip of her tea.

"Dont you think it's getting late? I think we should put them down for the night." Cass mumbled, now prepping her bag to go home.

"No! It's only 8!" James exclaimed, looking at the clock.

"Jamie, that's late for the babies. We can play more tomorrow, when Dumbledore finished his business with You-Know-Who." Lily consoled him with a small smile. James agreed and passed a now sleeping Harry to his wife.

Mady was still wide awake, a night owl like her mother. The year old baby, reached for Cass, with a toothy grin.

Cass' heart warmed at the sight of her baby, wishing her father could see her. She picked Mady up and held her tight.

After a long goodbye, Cass prepared to apperate away, a sour feeling brewing in her stomach.

What the hell? Cass thought. She had always been great in divination, so feelings like this were taken seriously. I have to protect Mady.

They appeared at home, to the giant manson she inherented from her adopted family when her parents passed, and her brother went to Azkaban for his affiliations with Voldemort.

Cass had been adopted by the Lestrange family, and then disowned when she was caught as a spy for the Order. Still, after her noble deeds, and her risks for Dumbledore, she was shunned by most. Other than her school friends of course, she was hated for wearing the dark mark.

Inside, she saw her house elf dobby, prancing around.

"Hey Dobby!" She greeted with a smile, he merely nodded, working hard.

"Time to get you in bed my love." She cooed to a fussing Mady. Cass rushed up the stairs and shared stories of her experiences with the marauders, and their pranks with her child as a bedtime story.


The doorbell rang out, "I will get it Ms. Cassi!" Dobby called from the family room.

She continued with the story, before a flash of green light overtook her sight.

She stood up, and grabbed her wand, prepared to fight.

Relief overtook her as Peter Pettigrew ran through the nursery door.

"For the love of Merlin Wormtail! You scared me!" She gasped, gripping onto the cradle.

"Sorry." He mumbled, tears burning his eyes.

"Pete, what's wrong, why are you here? Is everyone ok?" Cass rushed to him, holding his shoulders.

"Cassi I'm so sorry... He made me I promise... I love you guys I'm sorry." Now Wormtail was sobbing, on his knees.

The sick feeling returned to Cass, and she suddenly knew what happened. She saw the same mark that she was branded with on her best friend.

"Mady." She whispered and spun to get her baby.

She tried to apperate but Pettigrew grabbed her, stopping all motion.

"Petey this isn't you, please let me get her away, the Potters-"

"It's too late. He has them." Cassi's blood went ice cold.

"Fuck you Pettigrew." She whispered as Lord Voldemort slowly entered her nursery.

"Thank you Wormtail. Your work here is done. Leave."

"I always knew you were a coward! What now? Can't watch your betrayal pan out? No wonder you're a bloody rat." Cass spit in Peter's face as he stood to leave.

"Now now Lestrange, let's not be rude. You are the one who betrayed us. Did you really think I would allow you to live with that? You have hidden well. Your reputation preceeds you." Voldemort tisked, waving his wand.

"I'm no Lestrange."

"Rodophus believes otherwise." He knew how to hurt her, how to burn her to the core. Cass had been disowned by her brother, the one who she thought would always want her.

"Keep my brothers name out of your mouth you sick bastard." Tears ran down her pale face.

"Fine, have it your way then Avada kadavra!" The green mist hit her like a freight train and she fell, Mady in hand. Their hearts stopped at the same time. Only the child's restarted moments later. Cassi's did not.

Something about the kill, made Voldemort burst into flames, and he had to dissappear.

Hours after the slaughter, Sirius Black had been convicted of killing 13 muggles, Peter Pettigrew, and the betrayal of the Potters and Thornes.

Remus found young Mady, cooing in her dead mothers arms. He held the child as Rodophus came to collect her. His trial had been dismissed and Remus wasn't allowed to take her. James and Lily were the Godparents, but they had gone into hiding, after being warned by Severus Snape.

Mady Throne, was now alone in the world, her only family an uncle who will hide with her in the muggle world.

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