We meet- Dean

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I was born with a small band running across my wrist and, like everyone else's, it is a timer, counting down to the very second my soulmate and I meet. From the moment the first cry left my lips, it has been counting down. According to my parents it started at 24 years, 39 days, and 629 seconds.
My whole life I've just ignored it, telling myself that it's so far off. It never seemed real until last week, when it hit 1 week, 3 days, and 7 seconds. Every day since then I've been thinking about it constantly. Right now it's at 2 days, 11 hours and 17 seconds. I'm working at the local library currently and can't afford to be this distracted, so I push the thoughts from my mind for now.

~~~~2 DAYS LATER~~~~
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping loudly at me. I slam the 'OFF' button and pull off my covers, revealing me in my well worn ACDC shirt and flower print pajama pants. I climb out of bed and trudge to the kitchen, quickly eating a cereal bar and getting milk to wash it down. Once I have had my breakfast I grab a towel and walk to the shower. I take off my shirt and pants and throw them in the laundry basket, leaving me in my underwear. I turn on the shower to let it warm up, then take off my underwear, throwing them with the rest. I glance down and smirk, until I see my wrist. I lift it so I can see the numbers. 3 hours and 562 seconds left. The small smile fades. I had nearly forgotten about that. Today then. And it looks like it will be during work. Fantastic. I push the thoughts aside and step into the steaming shower.
~~~~AT WORK~~~~
I'm on my break, eating the leftover subway from breakfast. Once I finish, I still have several minutes left, so I pull out my phone and continue reading a JohnLock (John and Sherlock from BBC's Sherlock) fan fiction that has started to get saucy, if you know what I mean.
My lunch break now over, I put my things back in my locker and go walk back behind the front desk to start helping customers. A line quickly forms in front of me, and I am glad for the distraction. I still have three people in line in front of me when a tall raven haired, scruffy man walks in and heads straight for the YA novels. As I help the people in front of me, he gets in line behind them holding a large stack of books,and I register more things about him, the way he holds himself, the color of his eyes, his long and slightly dirty trench coat nicely complimented by the light blue tie around his neck.
The next thing I know, he is in front of me, and something very unexpected happens. Both of our timers go off at the same time. This is my soulmate.

Soul Timer- DestielWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu