2. The Compound

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My eyes fluttered open to the vision of a bright lamp hovering over me, the weight of my body limp on what felt like a cold metal table. My legs ached like hell, the first sure sign that it hadn't been a dream- that my recollection of running away from the lab and into a group of strangers in the forest was actually what had happened. Then, as I was pulled further into consciousness my head stung, a confirmation of my passing out, with my luck on a log or rock of some sort. Then, the ambiance of the room surrounding me, a room I suddenly became hyper aware I had never seen and no clue what it was. A few short gasps let out of me in sheer panic again, I couldn't breathe, was I back already? Was I someplace else, someplace worse? Moving only made me wish I hadn't woken at all, as I discovered I couldn't move my limbs, my arms and legs being strapped to the table as I began to frantically look around for anyone, shaking.

"Hey, hey, it's ok! Oh god, no I'm so sorry. This isn't what it seems like..." a soft and strangely calm female voice spoke from my right. A auburn haired woman in a dark striped shirt and jeans came into view, placing her hand on my shoulder to stop me from shaking. Her expressions voicing her pity for my current state, she spoke again: "I promise these straps aren't what you think. You had some really awful gashes on you and we needed you- well, Dr Cho needed you still so she could help you out..."
As I felt myself spiralling into fear again, I couldn't concentrate on a word she was saying until it all processed. 'Doctor', 'help you out', 'I'm so sorry'. All words I was sure I hadn't heard really ever. Signs of help. My gradually calming state must have been reflected in my regulated breathing as the woman noticed with a look of relief. "Here, if I take them off, you promise not to run or anything?"
I nodded, although I wasn't entirely sure if I meant that yet. I also wasn't sure what my decision to run depended on- perhaps whatever I saw in this room once she let me up?

I watched then as she nonchalantly rose her hands to where my limbs were strapped down, red tendrils of what looked like smoke or light forming under her palms and breaking me free. I was so preoccupied with the new scenery around me I failed to recognise how normally I had reacted to her abilities. I assume it's because I had seen similar in the lab throughout the years- or much worse.

Abruptly, I sat up and peered around the room in alarm, as if looking for something when I had no idea who or what I was looking for. I immediately regretted my impatience as I felt the sting of my wounds overwhelm me: on my knees, my shins, my hands and my face. I hissed as the sensation, taking a deep breath with closed eyes before opening them to look at the woman directly.
As our eyes met, she too hissed in assuming my pain, baring her teeth and scrunching her nose. "That looks painful... How are you feeling?"
I looked at her, my mouth slightly open as if planning to say something but with no clue what yet.
"Sorry, you must be so confused. I should probably...wait until Tony and the others get back in and come see you... I'm Wanda."

She spoke so gently, careful not to stir up any more worry in me, probably trying to form some kind of trust. I could sense it all in her attempts at communicating, and forced anything resembling a smile to show my gratitude, acting like I wasn't still completely terrified of what was to come, or who 'Tony' and 'the others' were.

"It's ok, you don't need to say anything yet. I understand this must be scary... I was in a similar position when I first joined the team."


I shuffled on the table, fidgeting with my hands before looking back up at her and finding it in me to speak, to give back some amount of trust considering her kindness. Her eyes lit up as she noticed me preparing to speak, a successful sign of the establishment of a rapport.

I squinted up at her, it almost paining me to have such a normal conversation after years of having non-existent, purely manipulative relationships: "a similar position?" I questioned quietly.

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